A great war coming

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I got this idea from Romeo and Juliet sealed with a kiss and from a book I read called star-crossed, at First anyway King Deedee wants to entertain Esmeralda but soon decides to start a war

"What in the world is going on?" Tiff shouted, "It's a royal decree from The King" one villager said. "We all have a to wear this stuff and act like rivals" Another one said.

Tiff: But why?

"The king is trying to woo his fiance" a female cappy explain. "Huh?" Tiff said

Escargoon, Kirby, and Tiff went to They Mayor to get a better explanation.

Mayor: You see, a couple days back The King Proposed to....uh.... lovely young woman, However she didn't really want to get marry early, and the King took it the wrong way and so to make the long story short they ended up getting into a fight and the fight ended up spilting the kingdoms in half.

Tiff: That doesn't make any sense!

Mayor's wife: What my husband means Tiff is that the king spilt both sides of the town, thinking that giving his...Partner a taste of power would help them make a decision.

Escargoon: That has got to be the King's dumbest plan yet.

The mayor: I'll say most of the Cappies had to moved over towards the Lady's side of Cappie town.

Tiff: Not surprising. Kind Deedee is a tyrant.

The Mayor: We all decided to just keep our heads down and try not to Cause much ruckus, on the bright side the king's having an engagement party

"WHAT!" Escargoon and Tiff said shocked.

Later that night a huge banquet/party was being held just like the Mayor explained. Tiff and Tiff were keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

King Deedee: I thank all of you for coming to my engagement party! As you know me and my bride have gotten into a spat, so I decided to handle this in a mature and adult way... By planning an ambush

Escargoon: But your highness we don't have enough people!

King Deedee: Doesn't matter, with my cunning and intelligence! We will win!

Some of the Cappies faced palmed, the other looked conflicted. Either way they all knew they weren't gonna win,they all listen as the king went on and on.

Unknown to everyone Tokkori was listening and flew away. Going over to the other side of the kingdom

Meanwhile on the other side of the kingdom, a Meeting was held by Duchess Esmeralda. "Attention everyone! I just received news from Tokkori." Everyone stopped to hear what the Duchess had to say.

Duchess: There's good news and bad news

Sir: Ebrum: Tell us the good News!

Duchess:. An Idol Named Belle is coming for my Coronation!

The crowd cheered with excitement, 

Duchess: Bad news the King is declaring an ambush!

The Cappies cheers turned into worry. "Don't worry, I'll have the knights be on guard during that day." The Duchess reassured, the Cappies still worried.

Sitting on the balcony Blade Knight and Meta Knight were looking over the crowd

Blade knight: He's really taking this seriously

Meta knight: Yes, however I can't shake this bad feeling that I have

Blade Knight: Maybe you should get some rest, I take the next watch

Meta knight nodded and left to go back to the castle, flying through an open window Meta knight silently landed. He then heard a tune that felt familiar echoing down the hallway. Meta knight followed the sound leading him to a slightly closed door, he opens it a little more to see Kirby staring out the window Searching for the Full Moon.

Meta Knight reached out but drew back, wanting to walk up and join Kirby. But decided not to, he already felt like they needed to give Kirby some space after what happened.

Meta let out a heavy sigh, with a heavier heart he left the younger star warrior alone

After Meta Knight quietly left Kirby took out a small music box, it was an octagon shaped that was pink at the bottom and sliver at the top, a dome was protecting two Crystals one big and the other small, inside the dome looked like a ballroom. Pushing the button, the same music Meta knight heard started to play.

The music box seemed to glow under the light of the Moon as the crystals danced. Kirby smiled as he went through his plan one last time. Everything was ready, by next week he'd put everything into Action.

I will be answering any questions you want even one with spoilers, Sorry it's short and for the late update. The season finale will be coming soon and I want to hear all of your theories on what will in the comments. Bye!

Kirby: Moonlight dreams (Meta knight x kirby)Where stories live. Discover now