Little red Riding Kirby

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Plot: Meta knight ends up failing sick so Tiff has Kirby get the cure and deliver the food to them but the king also wants a taste

This chapter idea was inspired by AmyLife101's comment on A new friend.....or crush chapter and undertalefaniguess  idea in requests

It was a rainy day, Tiff and Kirby was helping her mother cook some soup but in actually Tiff was trying to keep Kirby from eating the ingredients.

"It's nice of you to help out the knights mom" Tiff said while struggling to hold Kirby.

" It's only natural dear, You know I used to take care of your father all the time when he got sick" ladylike stated, "That sounds so romantic." Tiff stated.

Ladylike nodded turning towards her recipe book, "Oh no" Ladylike said grabbing both Tiff and Kirby's attention.

"What's wrong Mom?" Tiff asked, "The soup requires an ingredient I don't have" Tiff's mom answered.

Tiff: "What's the ingredient?"

"It's called the flower of healing and Love" Ladylike showed them a picture of a honey colored and Pink Lilly that seemed to glow. Tiff got a closer look and their eyes widened remembering something.

Tiff: I saw something like this during a visit into Wisphy Woods. Kirby knows where it is so he can probably go get it on his way to deliver the food.

Ladylike: That's a great idea Tiff! Oh and I know something he can wear.

Ladylike zoomed off into a nearby closet before taking a small red hood out. Tiff blushed in embarrassment remembering how she used to wear the hood in the woods when she was younger lying that she was going to grandma's house when in reality Tiff was pretending to sneak into a ball at the castle.

Ladylike helped Kirby put on the hood and then gave Kirby the basket full of soup

"Okay Kirby, as you go to the castle make sure to stop in Whispy Woods to the flower. When you find it put the flower into the soup." Ladylike instructed

Kirby nodded and quickly left.

Kirby floated through Whispy Woods soon landing into a clearing and started searching for the flower.

An hour passed before he found something similar it was a white lily, When Kirby touched it the lily turned pink. Smiling Kirby took the lily and placed it into the soup before dashing towards the castle.

Meanwhile King Deedee was being served his dinner but Surprise, Surprise he didn't like anything. Dodging from the King's latest toss Escargoon was prepared to give up.

Suddenly the King smelled something delicious turning towards the door he saw Kirby running through the hallway, Wanting what Kirby had to eat King Deedee chased after the Star warrior.

The innocent warrior took no notice, quickly running down the hallway wanted to reach the knights

The Star warrior soon heard a loud thumping and looked to see the King chasing after him, Panicking Kirby dashed ahead trying to make sure the King didn't catch up to him. Kirby soon found himself reaching a dead end.

Forming a small plan, Kirby jumped hight into the air allowing the King to get ahead of him.

King Deedee slammed into the wall with a large crash, Letting Kirby go free.

Finally reached the knights room, Kirby opened the door to see Meta Knight lying in bed with a fever. The other two knights were out getting medicine so they left their leader to rest.

Wanting to help, Kirby got a a bowel of cool water and placed a wet rag on Metal knight's head. Even when sick Metal Knight still kept his mask on.

Meta knight weakling opened his eyes hearing a voice singing, He turned to see a fuzzy pink ball stirring a pot of Soup.

The soup seemed to glow as the voice sang.
"Galacta?" Meta softly whispered grabbing the cook's attention. The cook brought them a bowl of that had a pink petal floating in it.

The mysterious pink figure scooped a spoonful of Soup and held it out for Meta Knight to eat.

Meta knight took a bite without a second thought, A warm feeling took over their body letting him relax. He smiled at his caretaker before laying back into bed with a calm smile on his face.

Kirby softly kissed Meta's forehead before flying out the window and leaving the Soup behind

An hour later the King came barging in thanks to a tip from one of the Waddle dees. Seeing the Soup Deede tipped toed through the room and grabbed the soup devouring it in one gulp.

Feeling satisfied the King walked out into the hallway and quickly fell asleep. Escargoon found him and took him back to bed

Did I use the same song? Yes....Also I imagined Kirby singing the Healing incantation but saying Poyo for every lyrics thinking it would be funny and cute so I went with a toddler Rapunzel singing it. The Healing incantation will come into play along with it's effects on Deedee and Meta Knight

Sorry it's short a update (and late) but I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next Month for an update Have a great week 🤗!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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