Escagoon's daughter

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It was a dark and stormy night and Escagoon was hard at work.

Escagoon: an arm here and a leg there and I'm finished

A young teenager with
Large pure blue eyes that had golden specks in them, she had stitches in different parts that connected her body. The girl had long black hair that reached her waist.

Escagoon: now for the finishing touch

Escagoon pulled out a stitched heart, and placed it in her chest. After a few seconds he put his head on the girl's chest he heard a pulse and smiled

Escagoon: she's breathing, now she needs a name

Escagoon thought for awhile and soon came to the conclusion to the name
Selene, Escagoon smiled softly he'd never thought about having a child but he could make this work. He knew there was no such thing as perfect, he but he'd make sure she was perfect at her studies.

Escagoon taught her everything from reading to writing, herbs and potions he was proud of her when she taught him how to bake

She lived in the town for awhile but the woman of the town started to gossip about the young teen living in town. Rumors where that She was brilliant, had a kind heart and loving smile and have a beautiful laugh. Those Rumors soon reached the king Escagoon knew he needed to hide her so he moved her into the woods and went to the only people he could trust
Escagoon: and that's why I need your guys help

Tiff: well I don't see why we should help you

Escagoon: I'd never known love before but after I found Selene I felt it I loved her like my own but of the king finds out....

Tiff knew what he meant when he got silent

Tiff: the king will make her his bride

Escagoon nodded

Tuff: what's the big deal so what


Tiff and tiff's eyes widened sure they've seen Escagoon mad before but this was a new level.

Escagoon: I'm sorry it's just I can't picture Selene with him she deserves to be with someone she loves, not to be stuck and one place. He's gonna treat her like a toy and I don't want that.

Tiff: okay you've convinced me what do you need us to do

Escagoon: Selene never had any friends to play with before I want her to have some joy in life before she leaves.

Tiff: what does this have to do with us and the other kids

Escagoon: I want you guys to play with her.

Tiff: well okay  then where does she live anyway?

Escagoon: deep in the woods

Tuff: why?

Escagoon: she lived in the town weeks ago but then gossip started which reached the king and ended up
Wanting to meet her I assumed the worst and I ended up moving her into the woods

Tiff: alright I'll go tonight

Tuff: well I'm not, you guys can count me out on this one


Tiff started visiting Escagoon daughter days later after her agreement with Escagoon, she was surprised to see Selene was good instead of being bad like her father. Selene help teach tiff how to bake and knit and in return tiff taught her about the ocean and the lands, a few days later Escagoon was happy to see his daughter having fun with someone. "Alright the rumors died down so Selene can go back into town" Escagoon said weeks later

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