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"All you did was memorized a fact. Your body has no clue what it needs to do"



Hikaru's dream world
(Hikaru's POV)

Where am i? It's to dark. Am I in the same place?

"Hikaru, here!"

I quickly turn around after heard a voice called my name. I spot a door, not so far from the place i stand. I walked over and opened the door and everything became very bright. I slowly opened my eyes making sure my vision was fully recovered. I was somewhere more precisely, in the woods.

I feel something moving in my pocket. It was Helios. It glowing so bright Like a fire that Illuminates a dark path. Why?

"Why are you here?"

I didn't bother to find out who's asking. The temperature getting cold.

"You're not strong enough to fight like him!"

"You're weak!!"

"Why can't you just get out from my sight!?"

"You can't even burst any single bey.."


"Why you did that to Honcho..?"

I cover my ears as the voices getting louder and louder. I realize i dropped Helios on the ground, i want to pick it up but the energy around it feel so good.

There's another door. A wooden door. It has such a unique design. A sun which is split in two, one of them is red and another is blue. A moon, one of it look like presenting dawn, and lastly it look like a star no, a shining light? What kind of door is this?

I touch the doorknob and the door's design were change. It turn into a figure. There's a male and female, wear a crown like a king and queen. There's two girl and a boy between them. Who are they? Royal family? The all of them glowing bright like there's a hope on it except for the mother. It's not shine like the others. One of them, the make who between the girls, the light start to flickering.

This door is like telling the story of an ancient family. It's like five people among them but two of them..

What happened to them..?


"Hikaru, wake up!"

"Wake up big brother! Hikaru!?"

"You will never wake up"

I turn around meeting a scary eyes. Taller than me i couldn't tell what is it. I can feel his breath getting closer to my neck. It sharp claws and it's dead green eyes glowing in the dark. The door's light fade slowly as the creature infront of me rise his claws ready to attack.

"Destroy them, Lucifer! Final limit breaker!!"

I knew that voice.

"Your end is here, Hikaru Asahi"

It said with his dark voice swing his sharp claw, aim it on my neck and it all went dark again..


Hikaru jolt up from his bed, breathing and sweating. He look at the clock on the desk, it two-thirty four in the morning.

Hyuga who was sleeping soundly woke up after heard uneasy noise from his big brother's bed. He saw Hikaru jolted up from bed breathing and sweating heavily.

The Fading Light (Beyblade Burst Sparking)Where stories live. Discover now