Lesson 22: You Can't Run Away From Your Problems

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Hey Oxy, where the hell have you been? And what about your contests? Why haven't you been online for two months?

If you are asking any of these questions, I hope this chapter will clarify what has happened to me and what will happen from now on.

First of all, I am so sorry for not being on for so long. All of the contests I was part of or ran must have passed without me, and for that I'm sorry. I committed to these contests without actually being able to come through. I owe everyone an apology.

Basically, here's what happened:

I had finally gotten a part I wanted in a play. I was beyond excited. But, I started to get stressed out. I began procrastinating on homework assignments and I was failing classes.

I couldn't even think of going on Wattpad in that state. I was completely freaked out and stressed and scared.

I was scared of what you all would do or think of me after I came back from leaving so long.

In order for me to continue to be on Wattpad and write my stories, some things need to change first.

1. I am officially cancelling and contests I had made. And I know that it seems really selfish of me and its HG all over again, but I mentally can't handle it. I love the contests, but I can't do them.

2. I am dropping from any contests I am taking part in right now. I can't recall all the one's I am in, but hopefully the word will get out and all of you will understand.

3. I am focusing back in on my stories. That's Daised and The Life of A Genie By Judith Tyler. I still have big plans for those stories, so if you want updates, go comment and tell me.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone for supporting me so far. I reached 80 followers without even being active. I am going to earn those followers, and make them stay. I hope you will want to join me for that day.

I know this isn't my typical funny entry, but I felt like this would be the best place to put my apology. I know now that I don't want to run away from Wattpad. I love you all here, and I hope you'll still let me be a part of your writing experiences too.

Lots of Love!

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