Lesson 19: Final Exams Will Never Be Unstressful

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  • Dedicated to Strong Teachers During Exams

Final Exams will never be unstressful.

Unless you are that smart kid that gets done before everyone else and then studies the rest of the time. Don't be that kid, because I'm gonna hate you by default.

I have been studying all of today and a good portion of yesterday, and it is brutal. The only thing getting me through will be the large amount of snacks and the possibility of me not doing the play if I fail any. Other than that, I would not show up.

I'm bringing in suckers for all my friends, but my best friend, isn't going to have to come to school right away. She'll be sleeping in because she exempted her first two exams. Elphie, sometimes I really want to kick you.

And then after a full day of exams on Tuesday, I have play practice, which involves stage fighting. I'm super excited about being the lead, but I'm getting slapped around people. Not what I need after a day of exams.

And the teachers! You poor things. Kids are turning in late work at the last minute and you all have to just sit in a room and watch your children sweat and cry and sleep. Thank you for what you do. Just for being so great, I'm going to slip you a twenty with my exams, and maybe you can ignore a wrong answer or two. Okay? Awesome thank you.

Tell me what exams you're taking first, or if you have already taken them, which one was your hardest? My first ones are Comm, History, and Creative Writing. Starting on Tuesday, If I haven't been on Wattpad, I've died of exhaustion.

Lots of Love!

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