Lesson 15: The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

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  • Dedicated to My BFF Annie Bennett

annie. Annie. ANNIE!

OMG. Can I just take a moment to tell you how amazing this movie was?

I just can't take it. The music was sooo much better than I expected when I heard the auto tune on the commercial. It was beautiful. I knew what was going to happen because I've seen the older movies, but I still balled like a baby at the sad parts.

Honestly, music moves me, meaning I will cry if the music is really good or the voices are amazing. That was the source of half my tears. If you haven't seen it, GO SEE IT.


Also, earlier today I went in for vocal lessons and sang my songs better than I ever had before. Then after that, I passed my driver's knowledge test and will be getting my instruction permit in a few days. WATCH OUT WORLD! YOUR STREETS ARE ABOUT TO GET MORE DANGEROUS. JK, I'll be fine.

Lots of Love!

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