Lesson 20: Sometimes You Have To Say No and Send A Hippo

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  • Dedicated to Our Kicked-Out Friend We Still Love

I honestly feel like a horrible person, but at the same time, I'm relieved.

So I go to public speaking meets every week, and I was in a group with two of my friends. Me, my best friend, and another friend we knew. But this friend wasn't showing up to any of the meets and didn't even memorize the script and wasn't making an effort to.

SO... my best friend and I came to a consensus and kicked her out. She's probably pretty pissed at us, but she wouldn't put in the work and we were sick of it. I swear I'm not a completely awful person, but we had to do it.

On a happier note, we have a meet tomorrow and I'm pretty excited! Wish us luck.


So at my school, you can send anonymous Valentines to people. Stuff likes roses and chocolate. But they also decided to send around plush hippos???

Am I the only one who thinks this is bizarre? Like seriously, why hippos?

"Send them to the girl you love to show her that you care about her appearance and think she's fat. With love."

Kill me now.

Maybe I should make my friend feel better and send a hippo.


1. Do you think I am a horrible person for kicking out the friend? (Be honest, you have a right to an opinion)

2. Does your school do anything weird, fun, or stupid for Valentine's Day? If so, elaborate.

3. Where are my public speakers out there?

Lots of Love!

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