Lesson 24: Talking About A Capella Scares Rain Away

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Okay so I am going to give you an update on my life but first can I just say.

It is raining men outside. (not literally ofcourse) The rain is so loud right now it is stomping on my roof. I'm a bit scared it's going to cave in. SO...if I do not post for a while, it's because I am dead and all this rain has killed me.

Time to get on to the second part of this quirky title, ACAPELLA.

Recently I have tried out for the most prestigious, winning a whole lotta competition, etc. Acapella group at my school. I wasn't expecting much from it, BUT


AS EXCITEMENT AS MY EXCITEMENT IS, it's fleeting because 6 sopranos got callbacks and only 4 get in. I have to sing better than at least two of them and right now I sort of feel like everyone else is a lot more talented than me.

Either way, as the biggest singing and musical theatre geek there is, this is amazing news and I am super excited. Also, watch out for the next post on here where I explain to you my frustration when it comes to working at my job. 

Yes, Oxy has a job.

I don't make minimum wage.

It is fast food.

Guess in the comments and the person who gets it right will get a dedication next chapter.

Keep in mind that I live in the Midwest in the US.

Lots of Love!

Update: The rain just stopped. It must have been through the power of a capella.

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