Lesson 23: Prom will be BOMB! (Especially with Deadpool)

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Time to crawl out of the grave I dug for myself and fill you in on what's been happening. In case anyone wasn't aware, I am now a junior in high school. After taking the ACT (27 composite but a freaking 31 in English, sure hope that's good) , there is one thing the whole school is talking about.

No, it isn't the male beauty pageant, but I kid you not, we do have one of those; It is Junior Prom.

I'm not going to lie. I am not one of those secretly beautiful wallflower girls that thinks prom is lame and accidently falls into a gorgeous dress and "cleans up nice" and falls in love with a boringly average love interest at the dance. I am a girly girl and freaking stoked for prom. 


I found the perfect dress, and although it isn't lime green (my absolute favorite color) It is the most gorgeous thing I have ever worn. 


Me, being the crazy feminazi I am, couldn't sit around and wait for someone to ask me, since that wouldn't actually happen(if you couldn't guess, I AM kidding). So instead, I asked my best guy friend (who is a sophomore) to accompany me. He is super stoked too and I asked him with a dictionary (long story). It's going to be way more fun going with a friend than a romantic interest (goes to eat icecream alone in the corner) I'm fine!


So how on earth does Deadpool have anything to do with my prom? Well, I'll tell you. My best friend in the whole freaking world is showing up as a guest to my prom wearing a tuxedo and a Deadpool mask. She wanted to be Prom Queen Deadpool, but unfortunately, Prom Court had to be people from our school. This is why she is my favorite.

Anyway, is prom coming up for anyone else? Let me know and tell me what you're taking to prom, be it a pineapple or Deadpool.

Lots of Love!

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