Relocated part 4

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Sarge drives up in jeep, gets out

Sarge: Now this is more like it! Great job on the simulator, Lopez; Good work on the power, Simmons.

Alex: Actually Grif risked his life Sarge.

Simmons: Thank you, sir!

Grif: Simmons?! I'm the one that was almost killed just so you could get the electricity back on.

Sarge: Yep, but it was worth it.

Grif: You say that every time I'm almost killed.

South : He doses?

Alex: Ya the first one was in Blood Gulch.

Flashback to Blood Gulch Simmons and Alex run up

Simmons: Sarge! Grif was spying on the blues and they captured him!

Alex: One said they would kill him.

Sarge: What'd he find out? Are they planning something?

Simmons: No, they were standing around talking, like always. But now they're gonna kill him!

Sarge: Well, it was worth it.

Flash Sarge and, Alex and Simmons talking

Sarge: The base looks so clean Simmons! Excellent work.

Alex: Not for Grif.

Simmons: Yeah, too bad Grif was almost killed by his allergic reaction to the cleaning supplies.

Pan to Grif laying in a pool of blood

Sarge: It was worth it!

Flash to Sarge  Alex, and Simmons standing, with Grif on floor between them and on fire

Sarge: Worth it.

Flash to present

Sarge: Only because it's always true. There's very few tasks that wouldn't balance out by you making the ultimate sacrifice.

South: He really hates Grif.

Grif: Tell me something I don't know.

Simmons: At least this time we got something out of it. We got power, and a new weapon!

Sarge: Let's test this bad boy out.

Sarge mounts turret of Warthog, points at Grif

Grif: Whoa, wait a second. Does this hologram jeep shoot hologram slugs, or real slugs?

Alex: Just stand there and we will find our.

Sarge: As long as we are in this room, everything will seem real to us. It's all simulated, but your mind makes it real.

Simmons: Ooh, like the Matrix.

Lopez: . [Right, but without all the Eastern philosophy stuff that no one understands.]

Grif: Alright, fuck this. I'm going to stand over there.

Sarge: Well guess what, dirtbag? I don't need you for target practice anymore. I've got my own holo-Grif programed into the system already.

Lopez makes a holo-Grif

Holo-Grif: Hello! I am literally the worst program ever made!

South: Wow that's how most of you see Grif.

Red vs Blue recreation male ocWhere stories live. Discover now