Watch the Flank

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The screen fades to inside Red Base at Valhalla. Lopez is speaking Spanish while Simmons is barricading the entrances with crates.

Lopez: Consigue más cajas y ponlas ahí.

Simmons: Keep watching your motion tracker. This guy can turn invisible.

Lopez: [Is that where he went?]

South: Shit I thought he lost the powers.

Screen jumps to the Meta outside Red Base, with his cloaking ability malfunctioning. He then snarls, then the camera returns to inside Red Base.

Simmons: Whoa! Did you hear that?

Lopez: [I have something on my motion tracker.]

Simmons: (frightened) Yeah, it was loud.

Will: Nice knowing you guys.

Lopez:  [No, you idiots! Over there!]

South: I'm get an motion on my tracker over there

South points where Lopez was looking

Simmons: Good job South.

Will: What would we do with out you.

Lopez: [Seriously! You fucking idiots I've been telling you somthing is coming!]

Simmons: No times for jokes Lopez.

Lopez: [Fuck you Simmons.]

Lopez Will, South and Simmons ready their weapons for the Meta on the entrance in front of them, looking at each other and reloading at the same time. Instead, Donut comes around the corner.

Donut: Hey guys. 'Sup?

Simmons: Donut?

Will: We almost shot you!

Lopez: [Didn't you say this guy could change color?]

Donut: I just finished cleaning up Blue Base. What's going on over here?

Lopez: [I think we should shoot him just to be safe.]

Simmons: Donut, that guy attacked me! I ran out of the base screaming. Why didn't you help me?

Will: He tried to shot me and beat me to death with his wepions why didn't you help 

Donut: You guys seemed like you knew each other. I thought you were just catching up.

South: He tried to kill us!

Simmons: He was firing grenades at us!

Donut: Yeah, so, I thought that was an inside joke between the three of you.

Simmons: What!? What kind of joke would that be?

Donut: Well, how do I know? I've been gone a long time, Simmons.

Will: He's a bad guy!

Simmons: What!?

Donut: In fact, it was clear that I didn't know the guy, so shame on you for not introducing us. And quite frankly, I found the whole thing a bit rude!

Simmons: ... WHAAAAAAAT!?

Donut: Rude.

Lopez: [Seriously, we could just bury him out back. We wouldn't even have to tell anybody.]

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