Chapter 21: Poison And Perfume

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Madeline's POV:
I woke a few days later with an unbearable pounding in my head and a sudden onset of nausea. I felt awful and for some reason insanely disoriented. I had no idea where I was, nor what had happened to me.

The last thing I remembered was meeting Robert on the train what I assumed was a few nights ago, which had of course turned into this incredibly violent and ugly altercation. But I unfortunately couldn't remember anything that happened after that.

I wondered if he'd somehow figured out a way to drug me.. or perhaps he only managed to knock me out.

Either way, he'd obviously managed to render me unconscious long enough to drag me away from the train station without anyone noticing.

And the fact that I had no idea where I was, nor did I have any memory of what happened.. told me that I was now in very real danger.

The room was dark and cold, and the curtains were drawn so as not to let any sort of light into the room.

I knew what Robert was doing. He was doing everything in his power to cut off any contact I had with the outside world. He wanted me all to himself, and I knew he'd do whatever it took to keep me under his control.

But I wasn't giving up without a fight. I had a plan. But even then I knew it would take a miracle.

Charles' POV:
I hadn't seen Madeline in days, and I was now growing worried. It wasn't like her to not come home in the evenings. Something was definitely wrong.

I spent days searching for clues.. praying for anything that might tell me where she was or what might've happened to her.

It seemed as though the entire town of Manhattan had been suspended into a fog of confusion. No one had seen or heard from Madeline in days, and even more unnerving.. was the fact that Robert Scotts had somehow managed to disappear as well.

But I knew this was no coincidence. Robert had hated me from the moment we met, and he now saw me as a threat.

But what else would you expect from a jealous and otherwise possessive maniac? He clearly didn't like the fact that Madeline and I were now engaged, and that our wedding was coming up in a matter of days.

He also wasn't too pleased with the fact that Madeline had just given birth to a daughter.. my daughter. He hated the fact that we were now a happy family, with Madeline and I raising our infant daughter Rose together.

But perhaps the thing Robert hated the most was that he could no longer control or manipulate Madeline into doing whatever he wanted. He absolutely hated the idea of losing his precious little slave, and he knew that once Madeline and I were married, he'd end up losing her forever.

Of course it hadn't taken me long to figure out he'd somehow managed to kidnap Madeline and hold her against her will, but I still had no idea where he'd taken her, and I was beginning to grow worried.

A sadistic and psychotic man like Robert Scotts could've taken her anywhere in the world, and I knew I was running out of time to find her.

That is.. if she wasn't already dead..

Madeline's POV:
I looked frantically around the room once more and discovered I was in the basement of the upstate townhouse I once shared with Robert.

I'd been chained to the exact same spot I was the last time he was angry with me, which was the same night I'd snuck out of the house and Charles and I confessed our true feelings for one another.

I knew that Robert wasn't happy with the fact that Charles was the man I loved, and I suppose he'd been absolutely infuriated when he found out we were getting married.

He'd always hated Charles from the very beginning, and even tried to have him killed more than once.

He wasn't satisfied unless I was completely miserable.

"Madeline!" Robert's booming voice echoed from the upstairs kitchen, and a few moments later I heard the angry taps of his expensive leather shoes as he stomped down the stairs to the basement.

My body shook with fear as he stomped over to me, and I could practically smell the alcohol on his breath as he spoke.

"What on earth am I gonna do with you?" he asked. "I could leave you down here to die, but then I'd be wanted for murder.. I suppose I could unchain you and have you work as my personal slave, but how could I be sure you wouldn't escape and run right back to your fiancé? I need a way to keep you here.. but I suppose if I blocked off all the exits, there'd be no way for you to escape. Yes, that's what I'll do."

He pulled the key from his pocket and unlocked the chains around my wrists and ankles, pulling me harshly to my feet.

"Upstairs," he thundered. "Now."

I trudged upstairs with him following closely behind.

"Now, make yourself useful and pour me a glass of my finest whiskey. And you'd better make it snappy," he muttered, settling into a chair at the kitchen table.

I nodded slowly, disappearing back downstairs into the basement wine cellar where he kept only his finest bottles of scotch.

Next to his wine cabinet was a tall shelf of assorted drugs and poisons, which he always kept handy in case I stepped too far out of line.

And that's when the idea struck me.

Grabbing a vial of the deadliest poison, I poured his scotch, carefully emptying the contents of the vial into the glass before bringing it upstairs to him.

"Here's your drink, dear," I muttered, watching carefully as he snatched the glass from my hands, downing it in a single breath before slamming the glass back onto the table.

I could see him begin to stagger as he stood up, and his words were already becoming slurred despite only having one glass of whiskey. That meant that the drug was working.

"Jesus, woman! What the hell did you put in that glass?" he asked nervously, stumbling forward as he tried to make his way to the couch.

But he never made it however, as now lifeless his body suddenly hit the floor with a loud thud.

I walked over to the couch to examine him. His heart had stopped, and so had his breathing. At last, he was dead.

I smirked lightly as I walked to the front door, pulling it open. "So long, bitch."

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