Epilogue: Forever My Heart

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One year later...

Madeline's POV:
"Dada! Dada!" the now one year old Rose squealed as she spotted her father come through the front door after a long day at work.

Charles ended up having to take on a second job as a chimneysweep just to keep food on the table.

Milton's Jazz And Bar had unfortunately burned down during an unexpected citywide blackout, and the police felt no need to launch an investigation into what happened as it was technically an illegal speakeasy.

But I didn't mind, however, as that meant I got to be a stay at home mom and look after little Rose.

I watched with a smile as Charles, still covered in soot and dirt from a hard day's work, bent down to hug his first born daughter.

"How was work, my love?" I asked, wiping away a layer of dirt as I kissed his cheek.

"Exhausting as always," he muttered. "I've seen more spiders today than I've ever seen in my life!"

I sighed heavily. "Well how about I make us a pot of tea to help calm you down?" I asked.

He nodded slowly. "That sounds heavenly, darling. Thank you."

I smiled softly, walking into the small kitchen to boil the water. "Dinner's almost ready," I said. "You'll have just enough time to wash up."

Charles nodded and scooped little Rose up in his arms, taking her into the bathroom to help her wash her hands.

"Dinner's ready!" I called out as I finished setting the table.

I sat down next to Charles after helping Rose into her chair and watched lovingly as Charles began cutting our daughter's meat for her.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked aloud. "I've got a wonderful family, a roof over my head, and an incredible husband to take care of me. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world."

And it's true. Finally, after years of pain and torture, control and humiliation, I was finally free. A year ago today, I'd married the man I loved and now here we are, a beautiful little family.

"Oh, that reminds me. I almost forgot.. happy anniversary, love," I whispered, kissing his cheek.

He smiled brightly, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Happy anniversary."

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