Shutup-Muke p1

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·Part 1 of 2·
(Starts really fluffy, part 2 is the smutty part :-))
Creds to Muke_Cashton_Love on ao3

Luke was upset, Why? Because michael. He can't take it anymore, It may just be michael being michael but it's starting to hurt luke. All he ever hears is michael insulting him, But it just being a 'Joke' But it still cuts into his heart like a blade.




'Be quiet luke'

'God you so annoying!'


Luke played those words through his head for a few days now, Giving michael the shoulder, Not playing PS3 with him every night when michael pretty much shoves the remote in his face. Enough is enough, And luke can't handle it. Especially since they haven't done ONE intimate thing in over about a month.

"Lukeyyyyyy" Michael called out, "Come play!" He shouted, Luke really wished he could've bunked with someone else tonight.

"Michael, I'm tired." I sighed, Tucking myself under the covers a bit more and trying to close my eyes.

"Oh, Now your tired." Michael scoffed "You can't even play PS3 with me, And now you tired at 11 o' clock?? What a baby."

"I'm not a baby." Luke said gently, It might've been michael 'Playing around' But it really did hurt lukes feelings.

"Oh shutup." Michael said as he turned off his side lamp next to his bed and pulled the covers over him, Letting out a groan and moving around in his bed.

Luke on the other hand, Pulled his penguin closer to him cuddling it and letting out a tiny whimper.

'Why does he hate me? Am i not good enough anymore? I just wanna cuddle...' Luke thought to himself as he let out a shaky breath, Cuddling his penguin even tighter as a light sob left his mouth. He could hear michael turn in his bed but it was still quiet, Luke thinking he was still asleep continued to let out week sobs, Crying into his pillow weakly.

It was until the bed dipped next to him, And he was getting slightly pushed over by who he assumed to be michael, Then pulled back in to be cuddled.

"Luke?" Michael questioned, Holding the shaking boy as his cries became a little louder "Sh, Luke it okay." He turned luke around and luke buried his head into michaels chest, Staining it with tears.

Michael just whispered little 'its okay's and rubbed the back of his head, His legs wrapped around lukes, Trying to hold as much of the crying boy as he can.

When lukes sobs began to die down a bit, Michael took luke by his chin and held his head up to look him in the eyes,

"Luke, What's wrong baby?" Michael questioned, Looking into lukes tear filled eyes.

"I-i just," Luke stuttered out "W-why don't you like me anymore?" He said, His voice broken and shaky at the end.

"Luke, What do you mean not like you anymore??" Michael questioned, and Lukes eyes began to fill with tears.

"Y-you always tell me to shutup, A-and always pick ashton and calum for everything, A-and you d-don't cuddle with me anymore, And you C-called me a b-baby." Luke cried out, His words filled with hurt, And his body began shaking more as more tears attacked his eyes.

"No, no, no, Luke." Michaels heart broke into a million pieces, He didn't think it bothered the boy that much, He was just joking and doing what he normally does, He had no clue luke felt this way.

He pulled lukes head up again a cupped his cheek, Using one hand to remove the tears from his face, And peper kissed all over the place.

"I didn't mean to hurt you baby." Michael said, Words broken too. He really didn't mean to hurt his baby, His princess.

"I-it's okay, Mikey." Luke said weakly holding his head back down, Michael could tell luke wasn't okay still, So he pulled him into a hug, Well kinda cuddling him to death.

A few minutes passed of snuggling and michael finally opened his eyes and pulled luke in for a kiss, He could feel luke smile against his lips, And that made him happy.

He pulled away gently and ran a hand through lukes messy hair "I'm sorry princess, I won't hurt you again. I promise.

A smile played across lukes face, He was glad this was over, That michael would settle down a bit with everything.

"Oh," Luke said, And it snapped michael out of whatever he was thinking about.

"You owe me, Big time." Luke said, And michaels eyes got a bit bigger, He almost choked on thin air and had to slow down his heart beat, He felt like he was gonna pass out.

"Oh yeah?" Michael replied, It came out as more of a whimper, And michael scolds himself for it.

"Yeah," Luke says seductively, Removing himself from michaels side and straddles michael.

He leans down into michaels ear and whispers, "I want you to fuck me good." Luke says and nips at his earlobe gently before pulling off and smirking at michael, He looked so innocent, With his big blue eyes, If only people knew what he did behind closed doors, with Michael.

Michael cleared his throat, Already feeling himself getting hard, Glad he just had boxers on, But it still felt quite annoying.

He snaked a hand down to palm himself through his boxers, But luke smacked it away.

"I don't think so." Luke smirked, Great, Well this is gonna be great, Michael thought to himself.

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