Fucking Jerks pt.5~ ot4

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{most of this is aftercare lol but it's still hot and cute and pls read you won't get the full experience i did if u don't read it all}


Michael woke up facing the wall. For a moment he was confused, he usually slept in the middle of bed, but then he remembered what happened yesterday. He quickly takes his thumb out of his mouth with a silent 'plop' - oh for fuck's sake! Did Ashton see? Does he know? He must have done this while he was asleep. Oh fuck, how embarrassing is this?! What was Michael thinking?! In what scenario is it okay for a twenty year old man to suck his thumb?! Michael can do that in his pathetic time alone, when he feels unsure of himself and the anxiety attacks don't seem to stop, but not after sex with Ashton!

Ashton. Michael whimpers and tries to sit up but when he moves his shoulders bump into something behind him.

The drummer has been awake for a while now. He really, really needed to pee but he knew he couldn't get up and leave. Michael could wake up, feel abandoned and overwhelmed and Ash can't let that happen. So he lies still, watching Mikey sleep and eventually stir in an attempt to get up.


Michael blushes a dark red all across his face and neck.

"Good morning, love," Ash smiles and presses his lips to the warm skin of his guitarist's shoulder.

"M-mornin'," Michael whispers. His heart races and his hands tremble; did Ashton see him sucking on his thumb?

Ash knows aftercare mode isn't something the sub can control, it just happens, so he doesn't know if Mikey is in his head, or if he still needs to be taken care of. He decides to go slowly, watch over him and stay alert.

"How do you feel?" Not too many words, that could confuse and overwhelm the kitten.

Michael already seems confused. Ash only gave him a blowjob, there is no need to act all... well, this protective and careful, right? It was just... it was... huh. Michael actually doesn't remember much. Everything seems hazy and Mikey just wants to... well, he doesn't know? He just... he doesn't... know.

"That's alright," Ashton says calmly. "It's okay, you don't have to think about anything, baby. Just lie back down. It's okay. I've got you, remember?"

Michael nods for some reason and lies back down. Ash curls his body around Michael's, just like last night. He slips his hand down to Mikey's tummy and rubs small circles on it, waiting for Mikey to calm down and get back to himself.

Meanwhile the guitarist's mind speeds up. He can't recall much from last night at first. There are hazy memories and a few moments he remembers clearly but... oh my god. Oh dear god, please no. Did he cry right after he came?! He seriously broke down in tears?! Ash had to calm him down like a fucking child, he had to talk to him, call him kitten, touch him. He had gently patted his bum and massaged the small of his back and... oh my god. Michael then sucked on his thumb. Ashton saw it, and he didn't say a word after. Oh my god. Oh fuck he must be so disgusted, he must feel so weirded out, he must...

But... he stayed, Michael's brain points out. He is right behind you, hugging you tightly and kissing your shoulder. Michael isn't sure how to... react. What to do. Should he just stand up and leave and never talk to Ash ever again? Or should he apologize? Should he try to explain?

❀ gay 5sos smut❀ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon