My Little Virgin~Muke

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(Creds to Nerd_Cake of ao3)

Lucas was the shy boy, always did what he was told, loved his mum and would do anything for her-even pick up her tampons at the supermarket where his crush worked because, she gave birth to him and it defied the laws of genetics and science or something to disobey...right?

"Six ninety-five is your total," said the boy behind the checkout counter. His name tag read Michael, and Lucas really liked that name, thought it suited the boy with raven coloured hair perfectly. Luke was never brave, never flirtatious or charming when it came to talking to guys. And today of all days he'd chosen to wear his pink sweater and combat boots. He wasn't sure if he'd come off sounding as interested as he wanted to.

"You dye your own hair?" Lucas asked careful not to choke on his own words like the many times before. The boy, Michael, smirks lightly "No, it changes with my mood." Lucas isn't sure how to reply, if what he has to say might be wrong.

So he just "Okay..." And just when he thinks this is the worst start for summer and this boy is making a fool of him he says. "I dyed it this weekend...I quite like it, what do you think?" And, Lucas almost dies because, there isn't anyone else in line, and it seems he could stand there alone with Michael hearing his smooth, but raspy at the same time, voice for hours. And, he wants to know what he thinks?

Lucas stammered for a response. How could he tell him he looked amazing and Lucas wanted to touch his hair, and pull it, and fucking EAT it for Christ sake's. "Good...looks really good. I really like your hair like that...Mi-Michael."

Michael blushes harder than before and Luke can't help the grin forming on his face "Thank you...I've seen you around here before, right? What's your name again, Luke?" he asks, And Luke hates how he automatically corrects everyone who get his name wrong because, when 'Lucas' pipes out of his mouth like there's no goddamned filter Michael seemed a little reluctant. "Or..Luke, you can call me Luke, if you want to." Lucas says shyly.

Michael's grin is back and he's blushing again "Cute..." Lucas doesn't know if he's supposed to hear. But he does, and he almost fucking explodes. Michael puts out his hand "Nice to meet you, Luke." he says smiling. Lucas can't help the grin forming on his face with he wraps his hand around Michael's, his heart racing. His heart was pounding so hard, he hoped Michael couldn't feel it. Then again he did. Then maybe he'd know what he did to Lucas.

He smiles trying to hide the blush thinking about Michael so close so that he could feel it. His thoughts were really embarrassing, and it was times like this he was glad the human race wasn't smart enough for telepathy yet. That would kill him, if Michael found out Luke pictured him shirtless in his spare time. Luke's face is burning, but he doesn't care at all because Michael is touching his hand. Lucas tried not to think about how perfectly they fit, or the fact that he hadn't gotten this far up until now for an entire year. "And to you...Mikey," Lucas grins because, why hadn't he thought of it sooner?

Michael blushes, harder than before, and the fact that his hand is still in Lucas' make him shaky. " shifts almost over, and my ride cancled last minute, do you think I could uh...?" Lucas nodded "Yeah, sure." And Lucas would sit in front of the store for listening to ATL seven minutes and thirty-four seconds because, he wanted, so desperately to take Michael home. When he saw a head of messy raven hair he tried not to jump out of his skin because, damn.

Michael wasn't wearing his red collared shirt anymore, and that Metallica shirt with the sleeves ripped off is giving Lucas a serious complex...between his legs. Michael was looking around, and Lucas wasn't sure if he should honk or get out of the car. Lucas rolled down his window his music leaking into the cool air.

"Hey, Michael!" he said just loud enough for a boy named Michael to hear. Michael smiles and starts toward Lucas' car. Michael climbs in and Lucas turns down the radio, only for Michael to turn it back up. "Thought you'd left me for a minute there." he says chuckling. I'd never leave someone so beautiful stranded, Lucas knows better than to say this. "I wouldn't," he says smiling warmly. Michael smiles back "You like ATL?" he asks as Dear Maria begins to play. Lucas smiles "You like Metallica?" He answers with a grin.

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