Fucking Jerks pt.4~ ot4

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Michael still wasn't sure what to do. If Ashton is genuine or is it just... uh, Michael didn't know. And if... Well. The thing is, for the entire fist day of the week, Ash was following Michael like a lost fucking puppy, always asking, always being aware of how he feels, and always making sure Mikey's fine.

Michael surely did feel complimented and loved, but there was something about this kind of behaviour Mike wasn't able to just... accept. He didn't – he's not – he's... he wasn't... eh. Um. How to say this. Michael isn't important enough to be taken care of like this, okay? Michael isn't even... he's not – he wasn't... it's not... it's just- ugh.

"You hungry?" Ash asks gently, when they are all watching The Dark Knight. "I can fix you something real quick."

"No, I'm fine, thanks," Mikey denies politely.

There's approximately seven and a half seconds long pause, till Ash speaks again. "You wanna cuddle?"

At first, Mike wants to say no instantly, because they all know Ash has got some issues with intimacy and doesn't crave cuddles, unless he's sick or sad or one of the boys need a cuddle and noone else is around, and they all respect it. But then he remembers the conversation from yesterday. He told him he figured it out and he's fine. Okay then, see what you got, Ash.


Mikey didn't mean to just attack Ash, who was halfway laying down, surrounded by fluffy pillows. He wanted to sit down and crawl to him so he could spoon him, but he just accidently tripped because of what person he is, and fell face first to Ashton's chest. Mumbling an apology he tries to get up and properly spoon the older boy, but Ash just puts a hand on his shoulder, the other one on his back, and just sort of keeps him like this, laying chest on chest. Mike lets out an uncomfortable huff and he starts to wiggle his bum, until he is comfortable with his face on the drummer's shoulder, half of his body on the sofa, the other half on the shorter boy, leg between his and arm on his chest. It feels nice, calm and comfortable.

"Good?" Ash whispers when Mikey stops moving.


"You warm enought?"


Ash bites his lips; he got himself a real adorable little kitten. There is a blanket in his reach, so he takes it before any of the other guys claims it as his own and covers the younger boy's body with it, leaving just his face poking out.

"Adorablest," Ash reminds him.

Michael chuckles and blushes, but doesn't complain. He just has no idea how to accept compliments, wow, sue him. He must have fallen asleep, because when he focuses on the movie again, it's nearly the end. Ash is lowkey caressing his lower back and Michael's eyes widen, when he realizes his hard on is pressed against Ash's hipbone. For a second he fucking panics because– but then he realizes it's kinda okay. As of, Ashton has seen him jerking off, he's seen him cum, he lost a bet and now he's supposed to do everything Mikey tells him to, mostly meaning blowjobs, and sex in general. So yeah. It's probably okay.


"You good?" Ash asks quietly. Of course he's aware of his erection, he himself is sporting semi for some reason. Probably the comfort.

Michael hides his face in the crook of Ashton's neck. Yeah. A bit ashamed, but yeah. Alright. They don't speak till the end of the movie. Then Calum calls it a night and Luke mumbles something about calling someone on skype, then shuts himself in his room. Ashton and Michael stay on the sofa for a while, not sure what to do now.

"You want another movie?" Ash asks.

"I don't... know," Mikey sighs. "I kinda... think I should go to sleep."

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