Chapter 8. Katrina

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Katrina POV  


"How was work?" 

"Eventful, I agreed to do a bloodtest with a random stranger."



Katrina POV 

"Hehe yea.... Well you see , they claimed to be my family so i thought why not. Considering neither of us know our real parents."  Donna explained to me.

"So let me get this straight, some random people show up at your work claiming to be your family, they ask to do a blood test and your stupid ass decides to say YES!!" "Well kinda" "WELL KINDA!?" I shouted. "Stop shouting, you'll wake up Sara!" Donna whisper-shouted. 

"Anyway i need sleep and time to process how dumb you are exactly." I said while getting up. "Ouch.. im not that dumb!" "Say that again when you think about that bloodtest." I said walking up the stairs. "Okay maybe i might be dumb but im just desperate to know my family ever since i read that file" Donna said making me stop in my steps.

"Do you mean those 'strangers' are the people in the file?" I asked now sounding completely serious. "Yea they are" "And you didnt bother telling me that!?" I asked. "Oh must have forgot to mention that tiny little detail."

"TINY LITTLE DETAIL!?" I said furiously. "You know what its fine, everything is oke. Im just gonna go to bed and forgot this entire  conversation. You came home we said hey and i went to sleep, thats how it went." I said while walking upstairs.

Before i got ready for bed, I decided to check up on Sarah. Who was sleeping peacefully, how does anyone look so cute while sleeping! 

~Timeskip to the day of the bloodtest~

Donna POV

Well sitting in this chair and looking at the needle in my arm i realised this was a very very bad idea. Maybe Katrina was right, but im not gonna tell her that. She doesn't need to know that i said this. 

After my blood was taken and i greeted Xander. I was able to go to work, Amelia first didn't want me to go because she thought i would be nauseous considering 'i lost so much blood'. Not like i never lost any blood or something. 

I went to work and good thing i did cause it was busy as hell. Amelia couldn't have dealt with this alone and she made sure to tell me that and thank me for my hard work. Not like she needed to, its my job to work there and help her around. 

Eventually i went home later then usual, everyone was already asleep. I went to drink some water and got changed into my pajamas. And removed my makeup from today before brushing my teeth. Then got in bed and went to sleep. 


Hello lovelies, 

Sorry for not posting in a while. I finally found motivation to continue writing. 

@Saara-Shah2 thank you for commenting and giving me the motivation to continue after months. <3

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