Chapter 16. Ace

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Donna's POV

"W-what why would you say that?" I asked immensely confused. 

"Be-OMG DONNA YOUR AWAKE?!" Ace got interrupted by Katrina who was yelling. The others woke up because of her yelling, all looking startled by the loud noise. Before they laid there eyes on me and relaxed. 

Ace POV 

Fucking Katrina! She interrupted my conversation with Donna. 

But i got what i wanted and thats all that matters. No one can stop me now! HAHAHA!! 

Okay but why do i sound like a psychopath while saying that? All that matters is that she knows i saved her and not somebody else like Katrina or any of her brothers nor her father and Amelia. It was i who did this all by myself! God im proud of myself, hopefully she is proud of me aswel?! 

And the favor i want for saving her is having her as my girlfriend. Because like have you seen her she is wonderful, beautiful and extremely hot. 

Well at the end of the i wont be single anymore and she'll be mine. 


Hours later and she was discharged and i was put in charge of getting her home safely! 

So here we are in the car on our way home. 

"Sooo... back to the convo we had. Why would you want me to be yours?" Donna asked me filling the deadly silence. 

"Wasn't that already clear? I like you and want you to be mine. And since i saved you and Sara from that fire you owe me a favor. And my favor is for you to be my girlfriend." I concluded and ended with an happy smile. 

"But i don't like you like that. It would be unfair to the both of us." She answered causing me to get angry so i halted the car and grabbed her by the throat and said, "i do not care if you don't like me but i like you so suck it up. Now we will reach your house and we will announce our relationship to everyone. And if they ask why so soon since we only met yesterday you will tell them that you have dating me for a longer period of time. Understood?" 

"U-understood" she stuttered and spoke raspy "Good. And do not try to disobey me, because i will kill Sara." She nodded and i let go of her and continued driving. 

After 5 minutes we reach her fathers house, "Remember what your supposed to do darling." She just nodded, shouldn't she know by now that we respond with words?

"Use words darling. And make sure it looks sincere and not forced. Because remember poor little Sara who would suffer for your little mistakes." "Yes Ace"

Once inside everyone stopped talking and diverted their attention to us or more specifically Donna. Questions like how are you, do you need something and shouldn't you rest. Sara and Katrina are clinging on to Donna like their lives depend on it. 

"Im fine, i can handle some pain." She smiled reassuringly. "Yea its true, your a real fighter love." I smiled at her and gelt accomplished once seeing all their shocked faces. "Boss, Vincenzo i have something to share. Me and Donna are in a relationship and have been for a long time. I only knew she was your daughter yesterday so i want to ask for your consent. Do i have your permission to continue dating your daughter?" 

I saw Vincenzo and Alejandro look at each other and nod. "You have our permission, boy. But be careful if i find out you hurt her in any way i will have your head on a platter and deliver it to her but before i rip off your head i will torture you until your begging for forgiveness. Understood?" "Yes sir." 

Better not let him now our little incident in the car. I'd rather keep my handsome head. 

After the encounter we ate dinner and talked for a while before i had enough. 

"Baby lets go home. Im tired." I announced. "Sure  lets go Sara!" I watched her grab Sara's hand and walk out to my car after she said her goodbyes. 

Once in the car, she asked  which house we were going to. "Our home Donna. I bought it just for us. Sara, there are a set of rules you need to follow." "Okay!" 

"1. Whatever is said in this car or at the house will not be shared with all of the others.                          2. Whatever happens in the house will stay inside the house and not be spoken of.                              3. You will obey these rules or i will have to punish you or your mommy. Understood?"

"Yes mister Ace." 

"Good job. And same goes for you Donna." 

"Yes Ace." 

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