Date day??

766 31 16

There was a loud bang on his apartment door. Eren blinked. He hadn't slept much, tossing and turning nearly all night. What if Levi showed up? What if he didn't? On and on in a vicious cycle these thoughts went. Blackie abandoned him sometime around two in the morning. Who knew where that cat hid.

Eren had slept for a few hours, waking at six. Blackie was still MIA. Eren cleaned out the litter box, changed his food and water, made himself a cup of soup and went to do his chores. He ran the dishwasher, checked his laundry, it wasn't in need of doing, he swept and moped the whole apartment. His head was in the toilet as he scrubbed the scum off of the bottom when the pounding started.

He looked up. No, it couldn't be that late already? He yanked his phone off of the charger. Nine five, five was shinning up at him. What the hell was he going to do? He hadn't showered, he was dressed in the worst clothes he owned!

"OI, bray come open up before I drop this shit!" The voice yelled. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Eren swore in his head. He dropped the toilet brush and ran to the door. He yanked it open. There he stood, Levi, looking downright mouthwatering!

His short raven hair was brushed to a shine over his scowling deep set eyes. He wore a light weight black jacket over a red long sleeved tee shirt. The colors doing wonders for his skin tone. His ass was framed nicely in black skinny jeans, a fact Eren found out when the guy busted his way inside. Levi strolled to the table as if he owned the place. He dropped the bag and drink carrier onto the polished wooden surface. Eren closed the door and his mouth.

"Oh, um, you, uh were like um serious?" Eren stammered. Way to sound intelligent there Yeager! He scolded himself. Levi looked back at him, his long lashes striking over his molten eyes.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked. He took in Eren's appearance then. Eren wore a drab green shirt. It had holes all over it, bleach spots here and there and was pretty worn. His shorts were bagging and again bleached stained. This had been his cleaning outfit for a few years now. He even had a white, well used to be white, bandana tied over his hair.

"Were you cleaning?" Levi asked. Eren nodded. Levi turned his back to the teen. "I get that. Time gets away from me when I get into my cleaning zone. Go wash your hands. We will eat then you can shower and get dressed." He ordered as he began to separate the items in the bag. Eren scurried into the kitchen. He washed his hands pulling the bandana out of his hair. He came back.

"Coffee or tea?" Levi asked pointing to three cups.

"Coffee, I didn't sleep well." Eren confided.

"Hope it was nothing I did." Eren saw the tiny smirk on the others face.

"Uh, no um, my cat..." he muttered. Levi's head nodded. Eren couldn't see his face as he turned his back. The teen sat across from him.

"Come on, eat up, we have things to do today." Levi demanded. Eren sipped his coffee, it was scolding. He snatched up the bagel and bit into it. Once he swallowed he asked Levi what he wanted to see.

"I want to see this town through your eyes." The guy told him. He had finished his own bagel and was sipping his tea. "I want you to show me what your interested in." He added when Eren just looked at him.

"Well, um, I'm not into a lot of popular stuff..." Eren muttered hiding behind his coffee cup.

"I didn't ask for that. I asked for what you're into. Like isn't there some art show or something around here? Maybe a comic book store or nerdvanna hideout?" This made Eren laugh. He almost spit out his coffee. Levi smirked at him for that. The look on his already handsome face made Eren's heart flutter.

"Well, the art show costs money, I don't have any extra until mom refills my account." Eren began. Levi slapped his hand on the table making the teen jump.

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