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"OK, wait, let's go back to the beginning!" Erwin rubbed at his bushy brows. "So, you can change into a cat at will, but then are stuck like that for twelve hours?" he asked.

"Right." Levi nodded. They were sitting in Eren's living room. Eren was on the floor leaning back against the couch, Levi sat between his legs. Armin and Erwin sat beside them on the couch. Moblit was sitting at the kitchen table tapping furiously on his phone. Hange sat by herself in the recliner.

"Well, why don't you just not change?" Erwin asked. Levi smacked himself in the forehead.

"Damn, Mister Brainiac why didn't I think of that!" He snarled sarcastically. Erwin glared at him.

"I tried it, like maybe the third day after being cursed." Levi explained. "It didn't go well. I fought the change and managed to not change for about a few days. Then, I went to bed as me, woke up as the cat. I stayed as the cat for almost a week. I was panicking thinking I would never change back." Levi stated. "Furlan and I did some experiments. It appears the longer I don't change, eventually the curse will make me. I then am forced to stay as the cat until I make up that time not being the cat." Levi shrugged.

"I see." Hange nodded. "It's best if you transform everyday to keep the curse in check." She sounded as if she was talking to herself.

"Yeah." Levi answered anyway.

"Any chance you have any of Furlan's notes?" She asked.

"I have his grimoire." Levi whispered.

"You do!" Hange looked like it was suddenly Christmas. "Let me see it!"

"Yeah, but it doesn't make since. He either wrote in code or some other language." Levi informed them. "I don't have it with me. I keep it in a very safe place." Levi stated.

"More likely he put a spell on it that would make it so whomever tried to read it wouldn't be able too." Moblit spoke up. They turned to look at him. He raised his bespectacled face up to the celling. "But, if he was dead, all spells he cast would vanish. The spell on the notes would go away."

"Wait, if a spell caster dies, their spells go away?" Levi asked. Most turned to look at them.

"Yeah. It's called the 'Theory of relevance' The spell, or curse even, would have no place in the world if the castor whom created it no longer existed." He told them.

"Are you suggesting we kill Petra?" Levi asked.

"As a last resort." Moblit went back to his typing. Everyone looked at him. Hange dove over the couch to get to him. She kissed his face he tried fending her off.

"My smart genius boy! I love you. Your so bad!" She cried.

"Get off of me! You're going to mess up my notes!" Moblit yelled. "I'm not saying we kill Petra, just let her die and bring her back. Of course there is the chance it won't work. It may have something to do with the soul leaving the body and all." He managed to control Hange's hands. Flipping her around so she was sitting more or less in his lap. He kissed her neck.

"Behave." He ordered. She giggled, nodded and blushed. Eren smirked. He wrapped his arms a little more tightly around Levi's waist. His phone dinged. Eren picked it up.

"Eren? Hey, it's been a while. I thought you forgot about me." Petra texted.

"How could I? You're my favorite neighbor." Eren smiled down at his phone.

"Seriously?" Levi growled.

"Yeah, you live with me, so not my neighbor." Eren poked his nose lightly. Levi tsked but he had a small smile on his lips.

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