Second Day of School

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8:30 am, school time. Yes, electroman fell asleep yesterday, but woke up and had plans to get Hydro follow on the school because Hydro was mistakenly registered due to confusion. It happens when you don't know grammar, English, and math. But you need to be teached first.

Tyler was scared yesterday as Hydro was staring with a death stare, and hadn't talked for a while, from school, the teacher shows a video because it was the second day of class, and again. Discussing the subject, Hydro wasn't, unlike in the past, he was listening to the teacher and failed the test, and here is the fact, i think he didn't got the key or skill issues.

Another bully used the ball to aim at Hydro's head and the ball was thrown, in slow motion. Hydro actually sensed the ball passing through his head, picked it up and listened to the teacher. The sound makes, the bullies were scared, and the ball exploded completely.

It is time for recess, take a break, just study and stuff, when the Bullies appeared on Hydro's back, The bully takes Hydro's milk, "you wanted this milk don't you?" The bully poured Over Hydro's hat, everyone laughed at Hydro, when Hydro gets his anger, He punched the bully too hard on the face like You broke your skull, the other bullies gets near onto Hydro and kicks their neck, They choked, when Hydro walks off onto the canteen and goes to the classroom, The bullies we're healed or repiar, damn like Crazy Diamond, really the JoJo reference, everyone gets scared and does nothing. The bullies woke Up and they got shocked they we're fixed and never covered with blood.

Hydro goes to the classroom, he was angry, and yet, he stayed calm, everyone goes to the classroom and there will be science teacher, wait no, math teacher, everyone greeted good morning, also Hydro, without greeting gets a disrespect, the Teacher will make 5 clasmate and makes 1 group, and yes to answer math, but there is a grouo missing one member, Mei, Priya, Abby and also Miriam, Hydro doesn't know how to pick, so instead so he goes to Mei's group.

The math Started, and the problem is (x^3-9)/(x^2+1)=, the math equation is that Hard but everyone knows the answer, except with the skill issue, welo Mei's group didn't know the answer, but i think Hydro does, he simplified x3 - 9 & x2 + 1, by Factoring x3 - 9, and the theory is A difference of two perfect cubes,  a3 - b3 can be factored into
              (a-b) • (a2 +ab +b2)

Th show the proof, it is  (a-b)•(a2+ab+b2) =
            a3+a2b+ab2-ba2-b2a-b3 =
            a3+(a2b-ba2)+(ab2-b2a)-b3 =
            a3+0+0-b3 =

And to check that 9 is not a Cube, that is a long division so we will skip that it will waste your time, Hydro got the final result, and the teach told to show the answer, The Teacher checked the answers, but from Hydro, that is really a lot of Solutions to solve, and yet they got the right answer, the 4 groups got the right answers too, well, they didn't copy the question, the bullies we're a bummer, but hey, it's not that in the math discussion, it's just a test.

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