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There was a girl and her name was Lilly Malfoy well at least that was her real family. Well not her real family but she was always told that the malfoys are her family. She never met her real family. But when she was 2 years old she was taken by Bellatrix and then when she was 4 years old Bellatrix joined Voldemort and Lilly was hidden every well and that was the day before her 5th birthday so the next day Lilly and James Potter took her in and when she turned 7 years old Voldemort attacked and killed the Potters harry was at a friends house when it happened and Harry's godfather took him in but Lilly had to go to the Dursleys who were not related to Lilly by blood but Lilly looked at the Potters as family. Lilly has been to different schools and she has been bullied in all of them but the Dursleys hate wizards and witches and Lily was a witch. Lilly has depression, anxiety (also social anxiety), PTSD, and she also does get anxiety attacks but the Dursleys won't get Lilly the help she needs. The Dursleys abuse Lilly in any way they can Lilly is scared of everyone that she meets. So when she was 10 she went to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic for 4 years. Now she is 14 and she always wanted to go to Hogwarts but she was never able to. Olympe Maxime the headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy found out that the headmaster at Hogwarts wanted to meet Lilly and so Olympe allowed Dumbledore to meet with Lilly. Beauxbatons Academy did have a Quidditch team and Lilly was a backup player so if someone on the team got hurt she would take their place and Lilly has been on the ream since she got to Beauxbatons Academy. Now they don't have an age limit so Lilly was able to join when she first went to the school and now she is the Best Player in her timeline and she got on the team with raw talent. So when Dumbledore got to Lilly's school to meet her she was at Quidditch practice so Olype pulled Lilly and the rest of the team were confused Lilly wasn't the type of person to get into trouble, in fact, she never got into trouble. When they got to Olympe's office.

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