*Chapter 11*

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*lilly's POV*

It's been a month since Asher and I have been dating and he has rpaed me almost everyday. I can tell that Snape and Lupin are getting suspicious of how I'm acting towards almost every guy. I tried to act normal around them but that didn't work out. I went to my classes since it was the Monday before break and I was nervous because Snape wanted to see me after potions class.

"Y-you w-wanted t-to s-see m-me?" I stuttered as I walked into his office and saw lupin.

"We are worried about you Lilly. You have been distant and you have also been acting differently." I heard Lupin speak and I looked down ashamed.
"Lilly, please tell us what's going on." I looked up at Snape and nodded.

I told them about asher and the rape and they didn't make me go into deatail. I looked down when I was done explaining and cried. I felt Snape and Lupin wrap their arms around me pulling me into a warm and comforting hug and I did flinch but they didn't pull away also feeling that I relaxed as I was really tense.

"I-i'm s-sorry i-i d-didn't t-tell y-you s-sooner." I stuttered even though I calmed down.

"Don't be lilly, it's ok." Lupin whispered in my ear. I cried into Snape's shoulder.

*Lupins POV*

I was mad not at Lilly but at the person that hurt her. They were dating and she trusted him and this is how he treated her.

"Lilly....do you want to go to aj and max?" I asked her and I spoke softly and I saw Lilly nod so I picked her up with my right arm around her shoulders holding her right shoulder and my left arm is under her knees since she is to weak to walk right now. I brought her to the red and gold gryffindor common room since that was Aj's and Max's house.

*Max's POV*

I saw Lupin into the common room holding Lilly and I went to them and took Lilly holding her close to me. Aj and I knew what happened and have been trying to help Lilly thorough it.

"It's ok Lilly. No one is mad at you." I whispered as Aj rubbed her back.

*Lilly's (tyler's) POV*

"I-i'm t-trans." I blurted out as I calmed down. I knew they wouldn't hurt me but I was scared and shocked since now they know.

"Ok what's your name then?" I heard Aj ask me in a soft tone.

"Tyler" I said and actually smiled for the first time in a month. I turned to look at Aj and he kissed my forehead and I felt comfort.

"I like that name for you bestie." Max whispered and I smiled. I was happy that I had people that cared about me alot. Max felt like a brother to me and he sees me as a brother too.

"Thanks guys. You guys are the best. I don't think I could live without you." I spoke kinda fast but it was still understandable.

*Lupin's POV*

I left and went to the headmaster's office and I saw Snape there with Asher. I was angry at Asher and wanted to punch him but I stayed as calm as possible.

"Asher is going to be suspended for what he did." I looked at Dumbledore and just nodded to what he said. If I talked I would have yelled and I didn't want that.

I went back to my bedroom to sleep at around midnight. This is the last week of school before break and Tyler is coming with me and Snape to see siris. It keeps her out of her house for the break so she won't get hurt anymore. I have known about Lilly being Tyler for a while now but he made Snape and I promise not to tell anyone and we kept it.


*Tyler's POV*

I am now at the black manor since it is winter break. I still flinch a lot and I don't want to but I can't help it. As soon as I got there Sirirus hugged me and I flinched. I never flinch when he's around but I didn't look at him or say anything and went to my room.

My room is a berry blue color with hints of black and silver since those are my favorite colors. I have a queen size bed and on both sides I have a nightstand. There is a lamp on each nightstand and I have a tall dresser inside my closet and it is a walk in closet. I have my own bathroom and a lot of clothes already in my dresser and hanging up in the closet since i'm here a lot

I sat on my bed and got lost in thought thinking about Asher and everything I have to go through at home and at school now. I didn't notice Sirius walk into my room until he tapped my shoulder. I snap out of my daze but won't look at him. 

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