Chapter 4

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When Lilly gets back to the common room everyone is staring at her with a scared look. Lilly is used to people being scared of her but she doesn't like people staring at her so she gets scared and runs to the girls' dorm and just sits on her bed writing. Now Lilly does sing but she doesn't like it when people hear her since she doesn't talk to anyone but Draco.

Lilly:(hums and continues writing)

Pansy:(walks in and goes to Lilly) "Why are you here if you don't talk you need to talk to be able to say spells."

Draco:(walks in) "She does non-verbal spells so you say them in your head not out loud."

Pansy: "That's not real."

Draco: "It is. I use them and so does Lilly."

Pansy: "ugh" (leaves)

Draco: "You ok Lilly?"

Lilly: "Yeah, thanks."

Draco: "Anytime" leaves).

Lilly:(tears up and looks down at the journal.) "What did I do to deserve all this? I already have mental health issues" (sees teardrops on journal page and wipes tears)

Lilly went to bed and the other girls came and also went to bed as well so the next day Lilly started to go to her classes. Lilly is really smart and she can answer all the questions the teachers ask but she stutters and she also only looks at the teacher and forgets about the other students. Everyone was impressed because no one knew she was that smart. But one day everyone found out that Lilly was in all the houses because Pansy read her journal.

Lilly:(practicing her flying skills and is training with the Slytherin quidditch team)

Draco: "So Lilly, what team are you gonna join since you're in all the houses?"

Lilly: "I don't know I want to join Gryffindor but I don't want to be enemies with you guys."
Slytherin team: "You can join them, we won't mind."

Lilly: "I don't think I'm good enough for the Gryffindor team, I mean they're really good."

Slytherin team:(sees wood coming towards them)

Wood: "Hey Lilly can I talk to you"

Lilly: "s-s-sure."

Wood:(walks away from the Slytherin team)


Wood: "Lilly I saw you practicing with them and everyone on my team wants you to join and so do I. So what do you say? I heard you talking and you are amazing."

Lilly: I want to join but...I'm not that good....

Wood: "Lilly, you are an amazing player and everyone knows and we need another player."

Lilly: "What position is open and I'll try out. I can play all the positions."

Wood: "we need a new seeker."

Lilly: "I'll do it" (hugs wood) "thanks"

Wood: "no problem cuz" (hugs her back)

Lilly: "I'm gonna go to my dorm."

Wood: "Ok"

Lilly:(leaves and goes to her dorm)

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