Chapter 5

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Lilly puts on headphones and starts writing; she then starts to hum to the music.

Lilly:*i really want to tell people I'm trans but I can't and I want to change my name to Tyler but I don't want to be bullied again* What's wrong with being who I am? Why can no one just be there for me? I'm so happy it's almost winter break.

Snape:(goes to Lilly's dorm) "Hey Lilly."

Lilly: "Hey snape. What's up?"

Snape: "You ok?"

Lilly: "Yea why wouldn't I be"

Snape: "I know you're missing your old friends but you will make friends here."

Lilly: "No I'm not, everyone hates me since I'm in all the houses the whole school knows, and only Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Gryffindor accept me and that's only the quidditch teams."

Snape: "Lilly you are the only person who has ever been in all the houses which means something no one knows not even me."

Lilly: "It means I'm related to all 4 of the founders of Hogwarts. Or at least what the legend says."

Aj:*walks in since he needed help*

Snape: "Aj this is Lilly and Lilly is aj he's a Gryffindor but he doesn't trust anyone but you so you will be helping him."

Lilly:*smiles* "k"

Aj:*smiles slightly*


Lilly:*hugs aj* "I missed you"

Aj:*hugs back* "I missed you too"

Lilly and Aj have known each other for a long time and they are best friends. They both have a crush on each other but won't confess.

Lilly: "how have you been?"

Aj: "Ok I guess" (lets go of Lilly)

Lilly: (smiled but smile starts to fade) "silienceo" (pointed wand at the door)

Aj: "is something wrong?"

Lilly: "The abuse had gotten worse. They sent me a letter for the first time" (hands him the letter)

Aj: (takes the letter and reads it)


Dear brat,

We are really happy that you are not coming back for winter break.

But remember that you are...

A freak, you are worthless, useless, a slut, pathetic, disappointment, disgrace, BITCH*

Aj: " should show this to a teacher."

Lilly: "I can't. I have to stay with them for the summer. I'll be ok though....I hope."

Aj: "Lilly how they treat you is not right."

Lilly: "Look nothing is going to make it stop they think i'm lying about having PTSD and depression, anxiety."

Pansy: "Lilly some boys want to see you" (glares at her)

Lilly: (looks down)

Pansy: "they are in the hufflepuff common room"

Lilly: (goes to the hufflepuff common room but got stopped by a teacher on the way) 

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