*chapter 14*

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"Nothing...." Raven muttered. And I hugged him

"You can always talk to us rave," I said softly, and could feel Raven relax.

"Just...bullies..." He said as he hugged back.


*Tyler's POV*

I looked at Raven worried. I knew that there was more to what was wrong but I don't want to push him too much.

"I-i should go to my h-h-house's common room...."

Aj looked at me with an even more worried expression "you going to be ok?"

"yea....I should be......and I have your number if I need you." I hugged him and raven then I left. I didn't want to bother aj or raven with my problems.

"Hey Tyler, why weren't you in class today?" I looked up from the ground and saw Draco with pansy. I didn't say anything and went to leave but pansy grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Answer the QUESTION BITCH!" Pansy yelled. I flinched and stayed silent. I was able to get out of her grip and left. I decide to go to Snape's office since I didn't feel like being around people especially not after my brother's girlfriend yelled at me.

"Anxiety becoming way too much for you?" Snape asked me as soon as I walked in and I just nodded.

"I can't deal with anyone's bullshit today....you know how hard this day is on me.....this is when I got taken from my bio family....." I started to tear up but tried my best to hide but couldn't. I felt Snape wrap his arms around me and I broke down crying.

"I can't hide it from Draco anymore....He just thinks we are really close friends from childhood but in reality we are siblings...." Snape just did his best to comfort me when lupin walked in. I fell asleep in snape's arms and when I woke up I was back in the hospital wing at Beauxbatons.

"How did I get here," I asked when Fluer walked in.

"Thank god you're awake." She told me as she sat down on the edge of the bed. "You've been out for 3 months."

I just nod not believing her but for the next week everyone was acting like I was out for 3 months and didn't leave so I continued my life as I did before everything.


It's been a month now and I can't help but feel everything that happened to me when I was in the coma was real. I had all my stuff here including my journals so I looked through them. I found out that I wasn't out for months but everything that happened actually happened.

"Why did they lie to me?" I mumbled to myself. I didn't bring it up with anyone but left the school with the help of Madame Olympe Maxime and went back to Hogwarts.

"Be careful Tyler. I read your journal and I'm worried about you." She told me and I nodded and hugged her. I then left and walked into Hogwarts. 

A/N: I don't know if I will continue writing this story or if I will just take a break for a little while. 

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