*Chapter 15*

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I was standing outside the door to Dumbledore's office.

Should I go in or just leave and run away from everyone that has mistreated me. I thought. That means I will leave my friends and family and the people who do care about me.

I didn't notice I was going back to the Sytherin common room. I only noticed I was there when I was wrapped into a group hug with almost all of my friends, which was only like 5 people. I just stayed there not knowing what to do.

"Where have you been?!?!" I looked at Draco and softly smiled.

"I went back to my old school but I missed you guys so I had to come back." I whispered. They all looked at me worried and I started to cry. 

They all rushed over to me and hugged me. 

It has been a years and the war did happen but the light side won.  Everyone grow up and yea people we loved and cared about dead but that's life. I got together with Aj and after a while we broke up but  that's also part of life. I started to help with my trauma and it is helping. The 2 really ood things from the war is that we won and those who dead will be remembered as heroes. the second good thing is that DOLORES UMBRIDGE (UMBITH) IS DEAD. I made sure that we didn't ahev to see or hear of her ever again with the help of the Umbridge haters club. 


A/N: comment if you also hate Umbridge and if she should actually have dead in the movies. 

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