*Chapter 12*

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*TW: sexual assault* 

*sirius POV*

"What's going on with you Ty?"

"N-nothing" I know he's lying and he never lies. I'm really worried about him but I can't help him if he doesn't tell me the truth.

"Tyler, please tell me what's going on. I know you're lying and you never lie to me." I put my hand on his shoulder but he flinches again and I take my hand back.

"N-nothing I'm fi-fine l-like al-always." I notice that he can't bring himself to look at me and I get even more worried but I didn't want to push him to tell me the truth.

"K get some rest. I'll come and check on you later. Alright?" I said.

"Al-alright." I smiled softly and left as soon as he laid down so I didn't get him more.

"So did he tell you what's wrong?" I heard Snape ask and I shook my head.

"I'm letting him rest right now. He needs help and I want to help him but I can't if he wont tell me. I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Alright me and Snape need to head put we will be back later tonight." I nodded at Lupin and went to my room. My room is dark green with hints of black. Snape and I share a room. We have our own bed so I lay on my bed and went to sleep.

*Tyler's POV*

I went to Sirius's room to only see him and no one else in there so I went to the kitchen and stayed there till the morning. I was tired but I couldn't sleep so I just read and studied.

When Snape, Lupin, and Sirius walked into the kitchen they saw me and got worried when they saw how tired I was but I refused to sleep. I couldn't sleep anymore after what happened with Asher. I get nightmares every time I fall asleep so I don't sleep.

"We need to go to Diagon Alley. Would you like to come with us Tyler?" I heard Snape ask.

"Sure, I need new clothes anyways." I smiled a bit and went to my room and got ready to go. I put on a white sweatshirt with a skirt and tights with boots and a purse.

I went back down and left with Snape and Lupin. We went to a clothing store and bought some clothes for me then they allowed me to wander around alone when they went to get what they needed. I walked around for a while. Then I heard someone.

"Hey pretty lady." I turned around scared and saw a man around 18 that I didn't know and got even more scared.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone." I tried to back up but the man grabbed me and pulled me into an alleyway.

"P-please l-le-let me g-go." I stuttered and I was starting to tear up.

"I don't think so young lady." He touched my cheek and kissed me by force I tried to pull away but I was starting to panic and couldn't do anything and just like that he raped me for 2 hours. I passed out. When I woke up I saw Draco, Danial, and Max.

"Tyler, are you ok? What happened?" Max asked.

"I-i'm fine" I sat up and acted like I was fine. They helped me stand up and they took me back to Snape and Lupin. I was still really weak and fell into Lupin's arms.

*Lupins POV*

I held Tyler close and went back to the black manor with snape.

When we got to the manor I took Tyler to his room and helped him lay down and covered him with a blanket since he fell asleep and was freezing cold. I went back down stairs to Sirius and Snape.

"Tyler's asleep right now." I sat on the couch next to Snape.

"He needs to tell us what happened so we can help." I looked at Sirius and just nodded at what he said, agreeing. I was worried about Tyler's safety everywhere now and I can tell the others are as well.

"He'll be ok Lupin. We are all worried about him." I look at snape.

"He has been through so much and won't talk to anyone. He can't go through everything by himself."

"We will help him anyway we can, I promise Remus." I just nodded and went to my room.

*Tyler's POV*

I woke up in my room from a nightmare about what happened in Diagon alley. I went down stairs and saw Snape and Sirius. I want to tell them what happened but I can't bring myself to tell them what happened. I just walked away using the wall to support myself since I was still a bit weak and I went to the kitchen. I got some food but didn't eat it since I spaced out. I snapped out of it when I felt Lupin tap my shoulder and I flinched a bit.

"You ok Tyler? You spaced out again."

"Y-yea. I-i wa-was jus-just thinking." I tried not to stutter but I couldn't hide it anymore.

"Ty, please tell us what happened in Diagon Alley. We know you're not ok. It is normal that you space out but not this much."

I didn't answer and stayed silent for a while.

"I got raped again in Diagon alley but it wasn't asher." I was mumbled.

"Please don't tell Snape or Sirius."

"I have to tell them tyler. We can tell the ministry."

"No please." I begged as I teared up. 

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