*Chapter 10*

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 I started to tremble even more but Daniel held me close as I buried my face into his chest and teared up. 

"YOU ARE KICKED OUT OF THE GAME TOM!!!" Everyone heard Draco yell madly for the first time ever. 

"I didn't do anything but kiss my BOYFRIEND." Tom spoke angrily.

*Daniel's POV*

I could feel Max shake worse and start to breathe heavily and I knew he was about to hyperventilate. I took Max to his room as soon as I saw Draco raise his hand that was clenched in a fist and was about to punch Tom. I sat down on the bed and held Max close to me. I felt his hands grip onto my shirt and I gently played with his hair. Me and Draco are dating but we both like max as well.

I looked down at the black haired boy and saw him start to fall asleep while still having a grip on the front of my shirt. "How is he doing?" Draco asked as he was walking into the dorm.

"He's doing better still panicking though." I answered but didn't take my eyes off of Max. "He didn't tap his leg for us though and I wish he did." I continued.

"I know but he was scared and probably forgot." Draco said to calm me down and it worked. I laid Max on the bed and covered him up then saw Lilly run in crying and pcainking.

*Lilly's POV*

I ran into Draco's arms and felt him wrap his arms around me. "I'll go get Aj you stay with draco." I heard Daniel say then leave. I cried into Draco's chest. After 30 minutes I heard the door slam open and saw Aj. I didn't see him but I felt him hug me tightly and closely. I cried more and buried my face into his chest crying.

*Aj's POV*

I held the crying blonde haired girl while giving her little kisses on her head. I was worried about her since she won't tell anyone what is going on. I didn't ask about it and just held her close.

"It's ok Lilly. We won't hurt you ever. I promise." I whispered into Lilly's ear and she calmed down more and relaxed into my body. I noticed she was starting to fall asleep so I sat on the edge of the bed and held Lilly on my lap, keeping her close. "I-i'm s-sorry" I heard lilly stutter.

"It's ok Lilly, you did nothing wrong." I assured her and she fell asleep completely but I still kept her close. 

*Lilly's POV*

"I-i w-was r-raped." I muttered and stuttered as I woke up wanting to tell him. I felt Aj tighten his grip on me and I hid my face in his neck. I didn't hear him say anything and I got scared. I thought he was mad at me for not telling him.

"I'm not mad at you tyler but can you tell me who raped you?" I started to tremble even more. I shook my head 'no' not being able to say anything. I felt his soft lips against my forehead giving me little kisses and I calmed down a bit but still didn't say who. I couldn't bring myself to but as he continued to kiss my forehead I felt my cheek heat a bit as I started to blush a bit.

"I-" I couldn't talk at all. I heard Draco and Daniel leave the room with Max and I looked down trying to hide my tears. I got off of Aj's lap and sat on the bed. I fiddle with my fingers.

*Aj's POV*
I held Lilly's hand since she has a habitat of making her hands bleed.

"It's ok Lilly. Nothing that happened to you is your fault. You taught me that how my parents treated me wasn't my fault and so you being raped wasn't your fault." I smiled softly at her and moved one of my hands to her cheek and wiped her tears.

"I-i'm trans.." I heard him mumble and I smiled.

"What do you want me to call you then?"

"T-t-tyler" I heard him stutter and I pulled him into a warm and comforting hug.

"How are you and Asher doing?" I asked

"We are doing good." I nodded and watched as he fell asleep and I fell asleep next to him. 

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