Fat funny friend, AG

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I woke up per the usual and got dressed. Due to society I am on the bigger side of the spectrum. All my friends are popular but I think they're only my friends because they want their flaws to be silly and need me to make them look better. I met up with them quickly and just as we were turning the hottest boy in the school came in and walked right over to our group and i quickly moved out of his way but he grabbed my waist and moved me back over and i let him. Rina the most popular grabbed his hand from my waist and moved it to hers but he pulled it away and looked at me with a sweet smile. "How are pretty girl?", he asked looking directly at me. "i'm great", Rina chimed in with a flirty smile. "I wasn't asking you, I was asking Ash", he said. "i- I'm good", I say quickly. "You seem shy", he said. " A l-little", I say. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the janitor closet with him. "W-what are you doing?', I ask. "I wanna talk to you", He said quietly. "o-ok", I say. He grabbed my face gently and kissed me softly. I moved my lips in sync with his. He pulled away slowly and looked at me with a sweet smile. "I like you a lot Ash, date me?", he asked genuinely. "Yes of course", i say. He kissed me again quickly and grabbed my hand walking out with me. I went home that day and started to write a song. Rina was there and I couldn't focus over her obnoxious gossiping. "RINA  CALM DOWN", I yell not meaning to. "DO NOT FUCKING YELL AT ME",  She screamed in my face and left, slamming my door. I went back to writing my song. I started with the rhythm and beat and went into the lyrics. "I break the Ice, so they don't see my size", I sing softly. I heard shuffling feet behind me and thinking it was my dad I ignored it and kept singing. The footsteps got closer. It was Aidan aka the hottest boy at school. "Hi pretty girl", he said from behind me. "H-hi Aidan", i say stuttering. "Don't be alarmed I was walking around the neighborhood and saw Rina walking out and heard your voice, you sing beautifully", he said softly. "T-thank you", I said quietly. He kissed my cheek and then sat next to me while I kept writing my song. "what you writing?", he asked. "A song about being the fat funny friend". "oh, is that how you feel about yourself?," he asked concerned. "Honestly yeah", I say. "I'm sorry Love", he said softly and putting his arm around my waist scooting me closer. I started singing my song and cuddling with Aidan and my dad walked in and saw it. "Who's that", I heard my dad ask in a soft tone. I turned to face him quickly as did Aidan. "My Boyfriend dad", I say quickly. "Ok", he said before leaving. Aidan ended up staying the night at my house and drove me to school the next morning. I met up with the girls and Rina looked at me with a glare. "I am so done with the disrespect, Rina< all you do is drag me down and use me to make yourself look better to society, I'm done being your puppet and I am done feeling like shit and never being happy just for you to be preppy and popular, we all have flaws so get over yourself", I say slamming my locker shut and walking away to class. My chorus teacher offered me to sing a solo at the talent show tonight and I happily said yes and I got ready quickly that night. When I got back to the school I ran up to Aidan who quickly embraced me with a hug and picked me up and spun me around. "I don't want you to pull a muscle, please put me down", I say with a frown. "Don't say that", he said. "Fine, but i gotta go get ready for my performance", I say. He put me down and i started to walk off but he grabbed my waist and kissed me deeply. "I'll be watching and waiting for you", He whispered into my ear. I smiled and quickly left to get ready. I went last and it was suddenly my turn. I got onstage and got very nervous so i focused just on Aidan. I started singing my song and i felt so many eyes on me, but I still only focused on Aidan. I finished my song and headed backstage and eventually to the changing rooms and then out to Aidan. Everyone sat down and waited for the results. Rina came in third place, My little sister came in second. I was hella nervous for first place. "And in first place singing their own original song.....  Ash Morris", The announcer said through the mic. I was shocked and I quickly made my way onstage. I got my prize and a metal and got photographed and then made my way back to Aidan when I got pulled into a dark room and locked in. I started screaming and begging for help. It took an hour before someone heard me and at that point i was very dizzy and felty light headed. I ended up fainting and landing in the persons arms. When I woke up in a familiar room, Aidans room. I had a raging headache and I slowly sat up and saw him changing so I quickly turned away. He grabbed my chin and turned my face towards his and kissed my deeply and sloppy. I kissed back the same way and pushed my body into his. He wrapped his hand around my throat with a slight pressure. I moved into his lap and we sloppily made out for a while and then went to sleep. 

Time skip bc im lazy

After high school we had Two babies, a boy and a girl, Named Booker and Elena and got married.


Nicky, Five, and Aidan smuts and imagines. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora