
21 1 0

Not knowing what to do
I rest my head on the
Tombstone of my heart
Heavy as it is
The air I breathe becomes shortened

A girl without dreams
Hoping not to wake up the next day
Surrounded by people and still alone
Why'd I have to see what I saw
And went through what I've been through
Do I need that trauma Disguised
As knowledge do I really?

The basic shit I've been through
Same shit that makes me long for extinction
Why can't I pretend no more
Pretending to be okay like the others are
Why am I trapped in a loop hole
Of my agony and deceit
The voices that fill my head with doubt
The people reminding me how much
I don't belong
Why is it okay for things to be this way
For people to forget that Ubuntu
Is for us to help each other up
Not break each other down
It's okay though
Used to knowing that it is okay not to be okay
Because this society made it the new norm.


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