Birthed to destruction

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As emotional creatures that inhabit this earth
We chose who to mate with and recreate
We tell ourselves that we are doing a better job than our parents did with us
And refuse to hear our creations out
Mother all you do is because you want a better life for me
Showed me strength and taught me how to stand up for myself
But refusing to believe that I am sinking in depression
And that anxiety exists
Telling me to stop playing sick
Whilst I am actually dying
Father hear me out
You showed me how to love
To smile and keep my head high and not show my weaknesses for enemies may rejoice in my destruction
Asked me if I am crazy
For trying to escape my pain
Through death state that you do not abuse me
To wipe my tears and keep shut
That you put food on the table
And a roof above my head
You tell me I have it all I have no reason to want to die
But do I have have one to stay...
Well you'd say yes whilst mind convices me otherwise
While the voices in my head tell me I don't deserve you
Or to be living this way
That I'm not good enough
That I am unappreciating the shit I've got but deep down its not this that I want
I've went days and weeks starving myself because it made no sense
To have everything and nothing still.
To be surrounded and still alone
Screaming at me won't help
Scolding me because I tried to escape won't make me want to stay any less
Blue moons passed with wet pillows beneath my head and me playing make belief
And you "believing " that I am " a happy kid"
You birthed me


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