A murdered soul

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As much as one can hurt you.
As much as you can feel the agony of living life on earth.
You will always be reminded by the passed that you've survived worse conditions combined from your current problems.
Pain is not a barrier, it is a stepping stone.
Hardships aren't just obstacles, they are there to make you aware what you are capable of.
I struggle to help myself up even though I've helped many in my situations because i knew what they needed to hear was what I would've liked to be told.
But the thing with helping is that you know the mind games and how words can be twisted into motivating you to be a better person, so basically what I would want to hear would not help me in anyway because I've helped someone else with the same words.
See its about having to motivate myself as well in which way I am still trying to figure that out. But what I know is with all the bullshit life threw at me things I haven't opened up about and the things I couldn't endure making it this far damn it was the hardest.
And I made it anyway

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