Chapter 17: Grow a Fucking Tail

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Marinley and I were laying in the hammock in my backyard, talking about random things, listening to music as she showed me the constellations of humans and her people, just at peace being together. These are the moments I live for.

When everything feels okay, even if it's not.

"I know you said you want to be a voice for the sea, which you are, but what do you want to do in the future? Like what are your dreams and goals?"

Marinley smiled, her eyes meeting mine as she thought about her answer.

I want to know everything about her, and knowing what she wants in the future is important. Especially if we're going to be together forever.

"I want to travel the world and meet different pods and learn their languages and their cultures. Meet different animals and learn their languages too and explore every new place that I can. Save some animals along the way. But I want to see what the world has to offer. Make a difference everywhere that I can. Even if it's only a small one."

I swear she really is my soulmate-excuse me-my Lumin.

We both want the same thing. And because of her I really will be able to experience things most people could only dream of. I want to meet other pods and explore the different seas, learn about other animals, save and protect those who need it.

I would go anywhere that Marinley went though, that's certain. I never want to be away from her. Only when she's sleeping in her cave and I'm sleeping on my boat. Hopefully a few nights out of the week she'd be sleeping with me too.

Without her saying it I know she could never give up the ocean and live on land with me, but I would never ask her to do that. Not with how much she loves it, how it's her home. Where she truly belongs. But that didn't mean we couldn't still be together.

Just because we sleep in separate places, it doesn't mean we're not together. And with her magical runes that give me the ability to see and breathe underwater, we'll be able to spend a good amount of time together. We'll be able to explore the world and the oceans and all they have to offer.

Sounds like a pretty good life to me.

"I've always wanted to travel too. And I'd love to meet new pods and experience new animals too. Different languages and cultures. And with you by my side I'll be experiencing a whole new and different world. But I will go wherever you go. For as long as you want me there."

Marinley was still smiling as she looked up at the sky, squeezing my hand tightly in her own.

"I'm pretty sure I won't be letting you go. So I guess that means you'll be there forever. That is, if that's what you want too."

I couldn't believe my ears and I think my heart just gave out.

Marinley admitted she wants me forever.

Holy crap.

I could die happily right now but I don't want to.

Not until I've spent the rest of my life with this amazing woman-Mermaid-next to me.

She is my purpose.

Being with her is my purpose.

I've been saying I want her forever for a while now, and to hear her say she wants me forever too, well, I don't think life can get any better than this. But if Marinley is in my life, it probably will get better. Every day I spend with her makes me feel better and better.

Now I might have her forever.

No I will have her forever.

She's not getting rid of me now. I don't think she wants to get rid of me. And I won't lie and say I've absolutely fallen for her, because I definitely have.

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