Chapter 3: Speak of the Devil

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I didn't sleep that night.

Every time I closed my eyes I saw hers. I always knew she was real. She had to be. The last time I saw her was ten years ago, but I still remember her clear as day. I remember the weird crown she was wearing and the dress made of shells.

And her eyes.

That was the main reason I knew it was her. They were even shinier than quarters, almost platinum.

They were the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

I had to see her again. I had to. I wanted to speak to her, well at least try. I'll do it after school today. Hopefully she'll come. I wish I could tell Clary about this but I know I can't say anything.

Without her saying a word I knew I had to keep my mouth shut.

So I would.

No matter how badly I wanted to tell my best friend I knew I couldn't. I knew it wouldn't be easy especially since she's totally obsessed with Mer-

"THERE YOU ARE! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

Clary was coming down the hallway now. Her blonde hair in its usual ponytail, her blue eyes wide and alert. A big smile on her lips. Clary was a whopping 5'1 and almost reminded me of a fairy with her soft features and bright personality.

She was my best friend and the nicest person I've ever known. She's the best. It'll be hard keeping something from her but I know I have to. I just hope she doesn't try to force it out of me.

She knows how to break me too.

We became best friends in second grade when she moved here. She used to be a pretty big tomboy and was showing everyone a snake she had caught. Everyone but me freaked out and deemed her crazy. Kids were even douchebags back then.

We ended up naming the snake and playing with him all of our recess (the poor thing). But that's how we became friends, and we've always stayed that way. Which is why it's so hard for me not to tell her.

Especially since she's obsessed with Mermaids.

I should give you a little background. We live in Mermaid Coast, California. Our town was founded on the idea of Mermaids, and there's a lot of local legend surrounding it. Clary knows everything there is to know about Mermaids. She's just as obsessed as the old people in our town.

Nowadays, folk tales and stories about mythical creatures are just that-stories. Not many people believe in that sort of thing anymore. Even kids aren't mystified by the idea that something else might be out there.

But Mermaid Coast is different. You have to be obsessed with Mermaids to live here. My uncle used to tell me stories about Mermaids all of the time growing up, before he died anyways.

Anyways, back to my point. Most of the locals in Mermaid Coast believe they exist even with no proof. Of course there's been sightings, but of course that's not valid proof. People in this town believe anyways. Mermaid Coast has a population of 738, with sixty percent being firm believers that they're out there. I have recently joined that statistic.

Unlike them though I've encountered one-Twice.

If I wasn't a believer after that you might as well deem me crazy.

"I was a little late today. I didn't get any sleep last night."

She grinned, looking me over. "I can tell. Your socks don't match and your shirt is on backwards."

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