Chapter 1

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Lena is a young vampire duck. Being turned at the young age of fourteen, and only being one for a few decades. But the nights were long, and the days were longer. Lena lives in a small hidden hole under a stage by the ocean. Yeah, the inside is full of moister, and it's a little run down, but it's the only place she has. Lena doesn't leave her place often. A few times a week to snack on some sleeping people. Then right back in her hole.

Magica, the witch-vampier that turned her, visits once in a while to rant and rumble. Lena would run away if she could, but Magica always found her. It would be a mistake to ever try that again. Besides Magica is her aunt. The only family member she has left after her father was killed when she was just an egging, by the one and only Scrooge McDuck.

Lena's newest mission was to infiltrate Scrooge's manner and bait him into Magica's trap. Lena already had a plan, and It all started with good timing.

"I'm sorry." Lena looked down at the young duck she was hoping to meet today.

"It's okay, but what are you doing here alone?

"I was hanging out with friends, but they left with out me."

"That's rude of them... why don't we hang out?" She offered happy that her plan was easier than she thought.

"I'm webby," the girl greeted. Lena shook her hand.

"Is that a vintage talisman?" Webby asked. Lena grabbed the large gem hanging from her neck and shoved it under her shirt.

"Don't know, found it at a thrift shop," Lena spoke as she started walking, webby following close behind.

"Where are you going?"

"I was just heading over to cause some general mayhem."

"Oh, that's my favorite!" Webby started bouncing with a toothy grin.

The two laughed as they created a plan to prank someone. Webby had a few interesting ideas, while Lena had one specific plot. They tracked down a grumpy business man and dropped an ally cat on him. They threw water balloons at people passing by. They scared little kids off the playground. They were met with a harsh side eye from the adults,  it who cares.

"This has been fun, too bad it has to end." Lena sighed leaning on the metal frame of the playground.

"What why. Let's do something else." Webby jumped.

"I don't know, it's getting pretty late. I'm sure you have a bedtime," Lena stated.

"What no. I can say out as long as I want!" Webby gleamed.

"Are you sure?" Webby nodded her head and rushed over to Lena.

"Okay, but this could get dangerous," Lena pushed. Webby went into another rant and Lena smiled, watching as she drove down a rabbit hole.

"So there's this party downtown. You're gonna have to do your pom-pom dance thing to get in."

"I can do that!" Wbby cheered bouncing.

The two went down to a junkyard where Webby was abducted by the Begal boys. Lena had to step in to save her, and they nearly didn't get away. Everything would have been fine if it hadn't been for three boys messing everything up. Putting a wrench into Lena's masterfully crafted plan. Oh well, time to improvise.

Lena got away from the kids as they scrambled about. She shifted into a bat and quickly flew back to her hiding hole. It was already overflowing with Beagle Boys. Lena grabbed a bottle and a note quickly writing a plea, then sending it on its way. Hoping with every part of herself it found Webby. Then Lena shifted back and charged into the amphitheater. She was immediately captured by the Biggest Beagle and tied to a pillar. Lena let out a deep sigh. Letting herself be captured by such stupid beings was humiliating enough, but Lena could picture Magica's long lecture. That witch is always watching Lena through the shadows.

"Lena, I'm here to save you!" Webby's voice whispered from behind her. Lena smiled at her voice.

"You're here," Lena whispered back. Webby started at the knots. Lena felt a sense of pride watching Webby help her. Then she got caught. The small sliver of hope left her. Lashing out angrily at Webby for getting caught. The young duck retaliated. It reminded Lena of her Aunt.

"Now I remember why I avoid family. All they do is,"

"Fight" Webby interrupted Lena. Fight... Lena met eyes with Webby. Supposedly have the same Idea. Then the silent plan was set in motion. And the group got out without a scratch.

Lena smiled at the group of young kids. They reminded her what it's like to live. Not just to survive, but to embrace the wild side of life. Lena's gonna have to leave a few things out of her update to Magica.

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