Chapter 3

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Lena knocked on the mansion door. It took a second before the door was yanked open by an excited Webby.

"You're here!" Webby called jumping on Lena. She pushed Webby off her.

"I don't do hugs," Webby ignored Lena as she pulled Lena into the mansion.

"Lena's here! We're going to my room!" Webby called out, dragging the girl upstairs to a room somewhere deep into the Mansion.

"You have a lot of... books," Lena said looking over everything.

"Oh, this is a library. My room is above it. Wanna see!" Webby gleamed going over to a ladder and rushing up. Lena followed behind. Her head popped up into an attic space with lots of random things that screamed Webby, and a small bed.

"So what was that conspiracy board for?"

"Oh it's everything I know about clan McDuck, and every one of his associates, friends, family, lifelong foes- hey wanna see something!"

"Webby!" A British lady's voice called out. Webby perked up even more.

"That's my granny, just be you!" Webby called and then rushed down the ladder. Lena took a deep breath and then started down the ladder. Her feet touched the ground, but she kept holding on.

"Lena?" Webby spoke up. Lena took a deep breath. If this goes wrong in any way she can kiss everything goodbye.

"It's rude to not look at someone who's talking to you," the lady said. Of course, she'd use that line. Lena smiled and turned around. Holy that woman is large. If she found out the truth, her head would be crushed in seconds.

"Your right ma'am, I'm sorry," Lena flashed her teeth glad that vampires don't have heartbeats. The woman raised an eyebrow looking over Lena.

"Very nice to finally meet you, Lena, I am Ms. Beakly. If you need anything just come to me," the woman said before leaving the room. She is in the clear for now.

"She can tell you were acting weird," Webby spoke softly.

"What did you want me to do? Tell her off? Sorry I don't want my head crushed in!" Lena called, instantly regretting it.

"Sorry, I'm just... not good with authority," Lena said avoiding looking at Webby's hurt eyes. She wanted to leave already.

"Your right, my grandma can be intimidating. But she wouldn't hurt someone who doesn't deserve it," Webby stated. Lena almost broke at her innocence. If only she knew.

"Thanks, I guess... let's go back to the sleepover," Webby glowed at Lena's words.

The sleepover continued with a few games, all while a third party listened on the other side of the wall. Thank you super hearing. After the third game, Beakley finally left, and Lena excused herself to the bathroom. Webby gave some very confusing directions, and Lena set off. Following the newest scent trail that Beakly left behind. Lena followed the scent up to Scrooge's home office.

"Something is up with that girl, but I don't know what," Beakly stated, earning a humm from Scrooge.

"I trust you completely Beakley. I know you'll keep this family safe." McDuck said with his Scottish accent.

What a stupid sentiment. Trusting anyone is how you get betrayed. Webby trusts Lena and looks at what is happening with her. Honestly taking advantage of Webby's niceness hurts Lena. She doesn't want to be the reason the girl has trust issues. If everyone were like Webby the world would be better off.

"I know. I just can't quite place what it is with her. She behaved nothing like what Webby described. And if she's not good with authority like she claims then she would have been rude. Even Webby noticed." Beakly rambled. It kinda made Lena proud that this woman couldn't figure her out. But then that gives her a huge target on her back.

"Maybe the lass just wants you to like her, so she can be friends with Webby," Scrooge offered. This shocked Lena. From what she knows, -I'll be its biased information-. McDuck is not considerate enough to suggest that point of view.

"Perhaps you're right, I should let the two have fun the rest of the night. Goodnight McDuck," Lena rushed off to the other end of the hallway and slowly turned around. Becky was just leaving the office when she noticed a young duck.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, Webby gave me some confusing directions to the bathroom." Lena nervously smiled looking at the large woman.

"I told you if you need anything come see me." She spoke softly but stalked up to Lena.

"I was looking for you. This is a large mansion... How many rooms does an old man need?" Lena decided to give Beakly an ounce of her normal sarcasm. That didn't seem to work.

"I'll show you to the closest bathroom to Webby," bleakly ignored her tomfoolery and lead Lena to the bathroom. Directing her back to Webby's room,- in a much clearer way than Webby- before leaving.

Lena stood in front of the sink silently cursing herself out in the mirror. Staring into her lifeless eyes. She just wanted to break something, rage for a second. She can't lure them into a trap without their trust, but if she doesn't lure them into a trap Magica will get mad. But she'll be even more pissed if Lena messes up the plan that's been worked on for a century. Angry Magica is better than Pissed Magica. Lena can deal with Magica later.

Lena washed her face off with some water, then went back to Webby's room. The young girl had already set up the sleeping bags.

"Your back. Grandma told me you got lost. Here let's do shadow puppets!" Webby exclaimed. Lena forced excitement.

"Yeah... let's do it," she smiled, sitting on her sleeping bag next to Webby's. The two started the shadow show. Lena watched the eyes of the bunny closely. It changed to a dog, then an elephant. Lena looked at Webby's hands.

"No peeking!" Webby called breaking her hands. Lena snapped her head from Webby laughing.

"It's your turn anyway," Webby said.

"Oh, it's not... I'm not any good, you keep going." Lena spoke urgently. Webby shrugged and continued with the shadow puppets.

Lena watched as they were toyed with. A burning gaze fell over her shoulder. Lena looked behind her to see Magica's shadow looming over her. So, she turned back to watch the show, with the added sound effects.

The night carried on and Webby settled in for bed. Lena couldn't sleep. Magica was watching over her the entire time. Looming in the shadows.

"She's asleep now aunt Magica," Lena whispered as she listened to Webby's gentle heartbeat.

"What are you thinking, you were supposed to get Scrooge to go to my special place!" Magica whisper-yelled.

"They won't go anywhere I suggest, much less take me with them if they don't trust me," Lena explained. Magica scoffed and the shadow crossed its arms.

"I'll be back in a few days, and you better have their trust by then!" Magica stated before disappearing into the Shadows. Lena sighed and stood in the sleeping bag. She went over to the window and looked out. She needs to feed quickly before she goes after Webby or someone here. She changed to a bat and flew into Duckburg.

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