Chapter 8

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Webby carefully rushed up the stairs. Lightly knocking on the door, before entering. She stood with a metal tray covered with a metal lid.

"Uhh, Webby," Lena started, but was shushed by the girl. Webby sat the tray down in front of the cage, putting the bucket beside it.

"Why do you need the bucket?" Webby asked sitting on her knees.

"Vampires can't digest food,"

"Then why eat?"

"It makes the blood last longer,"

"So you can stay in control. That's so smart... So why the bucket?"

"Vampires can't digest food, so it'll just sit there going bad," Lena said. Webby thought about it for a second then realized what she meant.

"And I'd rather you didn't see that," Lena said.

"Can I come back in after?" Lena stayed quiet as Beakley got to the door. She opened it and walked in. Webby looked back at her.

"I'm gonna let Lena out of the cage to do what she needs to, and if you don't try anything we'll leave it that way," Beakley said taking Webby's arm and bringing her out of the room. Beakley closed and locked the door, then opened the cage.

"Scrooge didn't tell you to do that," Lena challenged.

"Scrooge said he trusts my judgment," Beakley said. Lena climbed out of the cage stretching her legs.

"I could knock you out and leave,"

"But you won't."

"I may not have a choice," the room fell silent and Lena looked at the bucket. Then sat down crossing her legs.

"You wanna watch?" Lena spat. Beakley turned and left the room. Instantly being bombarded with questions from Webby. Lena blocked it out. She always hates doing this, but it's worth it.

Lena purged the food, and whatever was left of the blood, into the bucket. The burning in her throat always accompanied it.

Lena stood up and moved the bucket to the other side of the room. Then she went back and sat in front of the tray. Then moved the lid, surprised by the lack of burning. Not pure silver. Lena smiled at the waffles and eggs covered in syrup.

She quickly ate the food letting it settle in her stomach. She ate just enough to make the blood last a week. Then grabbed the blood bag and drank as much as she could. Slurping the last few drops. Lena put everything on the tray, then went over to the door knocking. Webby grabbed the tray and brought it back downstairs. Beakley grabbed the bucket.

"No, it's okay. You don't have to do that," Lena said.

"Well, I'm not gonna leave it here to stink up the room, or the mansion.

"But it's..."

"Please, there are four children in this house. I've cleaned up a bit of sick before," Beakley scoffed picking the bucket up and leaving the room. Lena was left alone.

"Now's your chance to escape!" Magica called from her shadow. Lena looked out the window, then back to Magica.

"Why? So you can torture me?" Lena sat on the window seal.

"I'd rather be locked in a cell forever," Lena spat.

"It wasn't a question!" Magica said grabbing the talisman through the shadows. Lena grabbed the glowing gem and pulled it away from Magica's shadowy grip. She fell off the window seal, thudding against the ground. Almost everyone heard that and started rushing up to her. Lena pulled the talisman but to no avail. Magica's shadowy grip on the charmed gem is too strong.

Blood of a Witch (DuckTales)Where stories live. Discover now