Chapter 5

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Lena sat in her dimly lit hiddy hole, writing in her notebook. Mostly about Webby and how the plan is coming along. It's the only place she gets to let her emotions out. Magica is always watching Lena, whether she's here or not. Maybe in another life, they could have been real best friends. Maybe Lena could have been normal. Lena shoved her book away and climbed out of the hole to clean her clothes, and herself. She needs to be presentable when she goes to the Mansion. She is meeting Scrooge for the first time.

Lena walked up the path to the mansion rubbing a small smudge of blood off her beak. She rang the buzzer and called her name she was let in the gate. Lena went up to the door and knocked. The door was opened by Beakley. Lena offered a smile, that Beakly returned before letting the girl in.

Lena followed Beakly up to McDucks office. She stood opposite him, with a weak smile. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"H-hi, sir..." Lena forced a smile at the one person who had the answers to all the questions she had, besides Magica.

"Hello, lass. So yer the one who put ma family in danger," He glared at her. Lena found it hard to be threatened by his Scottish accent, but his glare made up for that. Lena planted her feet on the ground refusing to show weakness.

"Not like you haven't done that," Lena crossed her arms. Scrooge stood from his seat, looking at Beakley.

"That's crossing a line," He met Lena's eyes again. He is the asshole Magica claimed him to be.

After he stood up for her, she had some hope he wasn't bad. But the way he looked at her with pure hatred. It sent shivers through her body. Lena bit back the urge to run away and glared back at him. After all, he is the reason she's stuck like this. He's the reason Magica got to her in the first place. It's all his fault!

"McDuck, I can assure you that though she did endanger the kids, she also made sure they got out safely,"

"I endangered them! I'm not the one dragging children on a life-threatening adventure every week, that almost kills one of them!" Lena blew up. If it wasn't for her snack on the way here, she probably would have vamped out.

"Maybe if you paid attention to your family, instead of your precious treasure, you'd notice!"

"How could you know? You've never come with us!" Scrooge waved his cane in Lena's face.

"Webby tells me everything." Lena stated, smacking the came away from her face. The room went silent as the two stared at each other.

"You were right Beakly," Scrooge laughed going back to his seat. Lena froze

"This one is a little spitfire!" He smacked his knee and then offered Lena a smile. She looked back at Beakly who smiled too.

"I was testing you, lass. Make'n sure your fit enough for this family. I'd say you are. Don't be afraid to stop by anytime," Scrooge said. Lena's brain was wrecked. Beakley guided Lena out of the office.

"Webby and the boys will be here soon, go wait on the couch." Beakly patted Lena on the back before leaving the duck alone. Lena went down to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Please, your not buying that right?" Magica called from her shadow. Lena couldn't move.

"They've figured you out. Trying to get your guard down. They don't trust you!" Magica continued. The words the shadow kept repeating, dug into Lena's already confused thoughts.

Lena jumped from the couch and rushed to the first door she found. No light. Lena claimed in and pulled the door shut holding her head. Magica's words still spin in her thoughts, even though Magica isn't here. Don't be stupid. Magica is always here.

Lena felt happy her lungs don't work, or she'd be hyperventilating.

Lena felt happy her heart doesn't work, or it would be beating so fast it would break a rib.

Lena was happy Vampires can't cry, or her feathers would be soaked in the saltiness.

"Lena!" Webby called out. Lena was so wrapped up that she didn't hear the kids coming

"Where are you?" Webby called again. Lena smacked her face a few times to ground herself. She took a deep steady breath and then stood up. She listened as the children came into the living room. Then she gently knocked on the wooden door.

"That must be Lena!" Webby called out

"Or a ghost that kidnapped her into The Eather Realm!" Dewy called excitedly. Lena knocked again, this time slowly.

"Oh Nobel spirit, do you have Lena?" Dewy called.

"Twice for no, once for yes," Hewy added. Lena smiled as she knocked twice. Sending Webby and Dewy into a frenzy. Louie backed out with a nope, and Hewy tried to rationalize it. Lena loves that they're all so gullible.

Lena banged her body against the door, which flew open and Lena fell to the ground limply.

"No! She's dead!" Webby called rushing up to Lena's dead body and hugging her. Lena wrapped Webby in a hug.

"Zombie!" Dewy called rushing to rip Lena from Webby. Lena started laughing as Dewy grabbed her arms. The room settled down as the kids were all confused.

"I got you so good," Lena would have cried from laughter if she could. Webby engulfed Lena in a hug, which Lena pushed from.

"Still not a hugger Pink," Lena said holding out her fist. Webby giggled and slowly pressed their knuckles together.

"You wanna blow it up don't you?" Webby only giggled more with a large smile. Lena rolled her eyes and blew it up. Webby followed after, making a spectacle of explosions. Lena smiled at the act.

"So you weren't kidnapped by a ghost?" Dew asked finally letting go of Lena.

"No, I was just hiding in that to scare you," Lena dismissed. Dewy pouted and then turned to the red one calming him down.

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