Chapter 12

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Lema was half expecting a lecture and to be put in a cage again when she came back. But it seems like even Scrooge McDuck can come to care about a monster.

Beakley brought Lena straight to a bathroom to take a shower. Her face, and body feathers were lightly stained with blood and then left with Lena's clothes, leaving pj's on the sink.

"What happened?" McDuck asked as the kids stood on the other side of his office door. Lena couldn't look up from the ground. His mouth was tightly closed.

"Your not in trouble deary. I'm just trying to find a way to prevent it in the future." He softly explained. Lena scoffed.

"You can't prevent it. It's who I am, it's what I do. I'm a vampire, we. Drink. Blood." She explained angrily. Scrooge sighed.

"When's the last time you drank?" Lena looked at him unamused. He groaned.

"Before last night." He clarified. Lena rolled her eyes as she thought about the last time she went out to eat.

It was the night she was freed from Magica. She snuck out in the middle of the night and flew through Ducksburg free. The fight with Magica took a lot out of her mentally and physically. She wanted to feel something to celebrate being free. She found some girl stumbling out of a bar. She looked like a teenager who snuck out to party. A guy walked up to her trying to walk her away. Lena jumped in, flashing her vampiric eyes, scaring him away. She was so out of it. That man would have done something terrible to her. Lena was about to do something bad to her. It's her nature, though. To drink blood. She grew angry with herself. It was easier to do it when she could blame Magica, but now it's all her. No one to blame but her. She brought the girl home and was about to leave when she grabbed Lena's arm.

"Thank you." She muttered before falling asleep. Lena let out a hurt scoff. She didn't deserve it. Scrooge and Beakley offered a blood bag every few days. She took it but dumped it down the drain. She didn't know where they got them from, or why they brought them to her. She's a preditor, living like some domesticated dog. And she didn't even deserve that.

"I haven't been drinking the blood bags you've been giving me." She said, still not looking up.

"Why?" He asked softly. Lena crossed her arms over her stomach.

"I don't know." She lied. She did know. She thought that if she lost control then McDuck would choose his family over her. Sure, Webby would be mad at him, but she'll get over it. The boys would too. At least then, there would be one less monster in the world. One less preditor hurting innocent people. And she knew McDuck could see it.

"Lass. You don't deserve to suffer." McDuck spoke as he came around to Lena. He placed a hand on her shoulder looking into her eyes that begged to cry.

"Next time you get a bag. Beakley is going to watch you drink it." He said. Lena fell off on the Idea of someone watching her drink. She knew what she was like, even blood from a bag, blood got her going. Her eyes turned red, and black veins spread from her eyes. Feathers mostly covered them, but noticeable. Her vangs were sharp, and her mouth was salivating. She didn't want them to see her like that.

"Okay," Lena whispered before being allowed to leave. The kids surrounded her, asking her a million questions. Some are more invasive than others. Webby grabbed Lena's arm and pulled her away and to Webby's room, well, the library.

"Are you going to be okay for the sleepover tonight?" Webby asked. Lena shrugged.

"Well, her parents want to meet Scrooge and make sure it's safe before she can. But it'll all be okay. " Webby smiled.

Lena and Webby sat in the TV room, watching whatever Louie had on. The doorbell rang, and Webby jumped up, rushing over to the door and excitedly greeting the two men behind Violet. Lena came behind Webby and smiled, but it faltered.

"These are my dad's, Ty and Indy," Violet said. Webby greeted them and let them in. She was leading them to McDuck's office and pointing out where everything was as she walked. Lena just stayed behind the group watching the two men and Violet.

"McDuck. Violet is here!" Webby called, knocking on the door. The door opened, and The Ghost butler answered with a blank face. Ty and Indy jumped back. Violet tried to touch him, but he stepped back.

"I am Duckworth. McDuck's butler. Please come in." He introduced himself. I am letting the guest go in with Webby pulling them.

"You have a ghost as a butler?" Indy asked.

"Eye, we have many trinkets, some possessed or cursed, most worth a lot in gold," McDuck explained.

"I figured I could hide all that, but it wouldn't be fair on you to invite your daughter without you knowing exactly what she's heading into," McDuck explained.

"We have a few questions," Ty said.

"Of course, but first. I am Scrooge McDuck. You know about me, yes. You know I lead a life of danger and adventure. I just wanted to assure you that I will not endanger violet. That inside these walls, she's perfectly safe." He explained.

"We appreciate that. You have a lot of kids in the house, and we're sure you take good care of them." Indy said.

"Here's our number if anything happens. Just know she gets a bit too curious, and I apologize if she touches something she's not supposed to." Ty added

"Ah nonsense. This isn't a museum. Ask the boys they touch everything all the time." He assured. They asked a few more questions before giving Violet the okay and a warm hug.

"It was nice to meet you Violet's dad's." Webby waved happily.

"It was nice to meet you too webby, and uhh." Ty paused trying to think if her heard Lena's name through the night. He haden't. No one mentioned the girl as she stood quietly watching.

"Lena. My best friend." Webby grinned. Ty and Indy smiled softly before saying good bye and leaving the manor. Webby dragged Violet and Lena up to Webbys room. Well the library.

"Did you bring the book." Webby asked. Violet pulled it from her bag and sat it on the ground. Webby pulled a large white board into view as they started reading from page one. Who knows how long they stayed up brainstorming, and snacking, before one by one they grew tired and passed out. Webby was the first to go, around four am. Violet an hour after. That's when Lena decided to take a nap as well.

Blood of a Witch (DuckTales)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz