Chapter 7

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All night Lena had to listen to Webby beg everyone to give Lena a chance. All night she had to listen to everyone calling her a monster. Soon the kids went to bed and Lena was left alone. Webby trying to plan a way to see her, made Lena smile. But that was followed by guilt. She had tricked this kind, young girl, yet she was still sticking up for her.

Lena sighed and pulled off her sweater. She tied it to the bars and grabbed the cloth. Making it tight. Then she pulled the back of her button-up as far as she could. She let out a deep breath and leaned back.

Blinding, searing pain burned away her feathers, and dug into Lena's back. She pushed her feet against the sweater, biting her button up. She fell forward. Her shirt fell over her again. She lay there looking out the window. At least it's pitch black in here, she gets a few hours away from Magica.

Lena woke up to clanking on her cage. Greeted by two glaring eyes holding her sweater.

"Give that back," Lena reached for it, but it was pulled back.

"This how you get off? Kidnapping a child?" Lena snapped

"You are not a child. You're a vampire, who's at least a millennium," Beakly deflected.

"You believe everything Scrooge tells you? What a good lap dog." Beakly fumed and threw the sweater on the ground.

"I am not a lap dog," Beakly said, then left the room. Lena gulped down and reached out for the sweater. Ignoring the burning pain in her arm. She grabbed the sweater and pulled it to her chest.

"Good show," Magica said. Lena would have broke if she was a normal duck. Lena sat quietly as Magica talked her down. Magica disappeared as Webby busted in through the air ducts.

"Go away Webby." Lena pulled on her sweater.

"No, you may be a vampire, but you're nice. If you wanted to hurt us you would have already!" Webby stomped up to the cage looking at Lena. She signed out then lunged at Webby. Catching her hands on the bars, fang's bearing. Webby fell on her butt. The blinding pain shot through Lena's hands like touching a red hot stove.

"I only befriended you to get to Scrooge!" Lena yelled, before pulling from the bars and leaning against the other side. Wincing at the wounds on her back. Webby sat there in shock as the room fell quiet. Webby clenched her fist and stood to her feet.

"No!" Webby declared. Lena scoffed.

"It may have started that way, but I've seen how genuine you can be. You pointed out Louie's near-death experiences. You Supported Dewy and his idiotic show Idea. You always protect me. You're not a monster, just because of who you are. You are a good person," Webby said. Lena sat quietly pretending to Ignore the young duck. Webby climbed back into the air duck and squirmed away.

Lena felt her eyes get heavy. All her energy was going into healing the silver burns, and she doesn't have much energy left. Still holding onto the small amount from yesterday. Her stomach felt squishy as she passed out.

"Wake up!" Beakly called. Lena rubbed the exhaustion from her eyes and sat up.

"I've never met a vampire who sleeps so much," Beakly said with a bit of malice.

"Not much else to do," Lena leaned against the bars, again wincing at the pain that shot through her. Though it was duller now.

"How old are you?" Beakly asked stepping closer. Lena rolled her eyes again.

"How old am I, or how long have I been on this planet?" Lena asked. Beakly glared at her.

"Because I am Fourteen, physically, and mentally speaking," Lena shrugged, crossing her arms. Beakly paused looking down at the girl.

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