Chapter 2

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Lena lies spread out on her stomach, laying a mattress under the waterside theater. The only source of light was a lava lamp that she watched intensely as blobs switched from top to bottom.

Webby had found her way to the amphitheater a few times. She shares the stories of her adventures. Lena enjoyed listening to the scattered way she told the stories. Webby always asks what Lena's been up to.

"My life is nowhere as exciting as yours." Is always her response. It isn't a lie. That's the most truthful thing Lena has told the young duckling. Her life isn't exciting.

She stays in her hiddy hole until she gets so hungry she needs to feed. After a short feed, Lena hides away again. She doesn't do much outside of plot ways to get Webby to trust her. Every time she does she feels bad. This sweet little girl has no idea what danger she's bringing to her family. It's her fault for being so trusting.

"Lena!" A chilling familiar voice called out. Shivers froze Lena in place. She cleared her throat and scurried up to the top.

"Aunt Magica," Lena spoke crawling out of the trapdoor and sitting on her knees.

"How has your mission been going?" Lena hurried to her feet and gently gripped the talisman on her neck.

"Great. I've gained the trust of the children, and it's only a matter of time before I'm invited into the house," Lena smiled proudly. Magica looked over at the girl and then scoffed.

"Good, as soon as you have rein of the house. Get Scrooge to go to my special place," Magica grinned imagining Scrooge's downfall at her hand.

"Then I get what I want," Lena spoke up. Magica smirked at the girl and pulled the talisman with her magic. Lena was dragged with it.

"Your wish will be taken care of... As long as you stay on track," Magica spoke in Lena's face.

The young vampire's heart would be racing if it could. She nodded. Magica dropped the talisman. Lena thudded against the ground as Magica turned away.

"Well, you better get a snack, because it's a long night ahead of us." Lena pushed herself up, so she was sitting.

"But I'm already working on a mission"

"What was that?" The older vampier flashed in front of Lena's face. Her eyes turned red and her long fangs bearing. Lena fell, looking at the ground.

"Nothing Aunt Magica," Lena said. Magica grabbed Lena's talisman.

"You are nothing without me, you are only good for one thing, to serve me."

"Lena!" Webbys enthusiastic voice called out. Lena panicked.

"You need to hide!" Lena blurted. Magica scoffed before changing into a bat and flying into Lena's hidy hole. Lena shut the trapdoor and sat against a pillar.

"Lena!" Webby called out again.

"Over here!" Lena called back. Webby came bouncing around the corner. Lena smiled at the cherry little girl.

"Hey Lena, uncle Scrooge just took us to an Egyptian civilization, that we undermined," Webby cheered, and Lena forced a chuckle.

"Did anything else happen?" She asked.

"The pharaoh came to life and almost killed Louie!" Webby called.



"Well all the adventures you've told me about, it seems that Louie always almost dies," Lena shrugged. Webby went quiet and thought about it. Her eyes went wide and her mouth gaped open.

"Your right, poor Louie." Webby's excitement fell. Lena grabbed Webby's shoulder.

"Well now that you know, you can do something about it," Lena said with a soft smile.

"Your right. Besides I came here for a reason, I want you to have a sleepover tonight. But you have to meet my grandma first."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. But how am I supposed to impress your grandma?"

"Just be yourself. My grandma has a way of sniffing out lies." Lena felt like dissolving right there, that grandma is gonna make it hard. But Lena can't give up.

"Okay, when are we doing it?" Webby grabbed Lena's hand and started pulling her.

"Right now!"

"Whoa there Pink, I need to go home and grab a few things first," Webby stopped.

"Your right. Go do that then meet me at the mansion. I'll go get everything set up!" Webby called, then waved goodbye, and took off.

As soon as Webby was out of sight, Lena lost her smile and then opened the trap door. Magica rushed out of the hidden hole, changing back to a duck.

"That room is disgusting," Magica lashed dusting herself down.

"Now, bring Scrooge to me!"

"They're not gonna go if they don't trust me," Lena said. Magica glared at her.

"Tell him there's treasure or something," Magica waved it off.

"I need to get ready for a sleepover," Lena went into the trapdoor and grabbed a bag. She shoved a few clothes into it, then a few other Items.

Lena left the hole and closed the trapdoor. Magica was nowhere in sight. Probably going to the trap, even though Lena just explained why it won't work. She changed into a bat and then started to the mansion.

Her first stop was to a local pub where it's easy to find a few drunk people, who are easy to feed on. She walked into the ally sitting just in sight. It wasn't long before someone took the bait and walked up to her.

"Hey, you lost little girl." The voice spoke with a slight slur. Perfect.

"I need help." She said, luring the drunk closer. They reached out for her, and she jumped onto them, knocking the drunk back as she sunk the vangs on her beak into the flesh. Fresh blood pooled in her mouth, letting the plasma slither down her throat. She let the drunk go and watched as they swayed, before sinking to the ground.

Lena wiped her beak and changed Into a bat, flying off to meet with Magica.

"There you are. What took you so long?"


"Never mind that. The task I have for you tonight." Magica sat at a desk and pulled out a file, throwing it at Lena.

"This woman tried to pull one over on me, I need you to take care of her."

"But you-" Magica raised her hand glaring at Lena.

"You dare speak back?" Lena froze in place as the Talisman glew under her shirt.

"No Magica. I'll take care of this quickly." Lena some weakly. The talisman stopped glowing and Lena hurried to do her Job.

Blood of a Witch (DuckTales)Where stories live. Discover now