Chapter 6

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Lena woke up early. Today is the day she needs to get Scrooge to go on that special adventure. All she needs to do is plant something for the boys to find, then they will pester Scrooge into going. Then she needs to convince him to take her too. Shouldn't be too hard.

Lena grabbed the scroll and shoved it into the knight's armor. Getting the boys to knock this over shouldn't be too hard either. Lena smiled at herself then went back up to the library and climbed into her sleeping bag.

When morning came the boys all rushed into the library waking the girls up. Though Webby had been anticipating this and hid toy guns under her pillow. She unloaded on the boys, who dashed around the house.

"Race you downstairs!" Lena called through the chaos.

The boys ran from the blood-thirsty Webby, as Lena raced behind them. The boys rushed down the stairs, as Webby shot the blue one. Causing him to cash Into the red one, then into the green one who crashed into the knight's armor. A loud rattling came from the armor as it fell to the ground, letting out a loud crash. Lena covered her ears as the metal rang out, sliding down the stairs. She had to pinch herself to keep from laughing. Beakley and Scrooge came rushing into the foyer. They lined everyone up to explain. Everyone talked over each other.

"Enough! One at a time. Starting with you," Beakley pointed at Lena.

"Me? I'm the most innocent one here. The boys woke us up, Webby attacked them with guns. We started racing downstairs. Then the boys fell. It was an accident!" Lena explained, ignoring the stabbing in her chest. Beakly sighed and moved on to Webby.

"Yeah, she's telling the truth. But I caused the boys to fall down the stairs. I was shooting at them," Webby spoke softer than Lena had ever heard her. Which was still loud, but a normal loud.

"Yeah, it was my Idea to attack them first," Dewy spoke up rubbing his head.

"Yeah I'm completely innocent in this too," Louie said. Hewy glared at his brother.

"We're innocent," Louie corrected. Hewy just face-palmed himself.

"Ey, just children having fun. But do you realize you could have gotten hurt? I want all of you to put that Knight armor back together," Scrooge demanded in his Scottish accent.

Lena sighed and picked up the helmet. She watched as everyone started putting the pieces together. The scroll rattled in the knight's armor, but no one questioned it. Uhg...

"What's that sound?" Lena spoke up walking to the two carrying the legs.

"Probably a piece that came loose," Louie groaned.

"Then we should fix it!" Hewy said dropping his side. Louie groaned again as the red triplet dug into the armor.

"I got it!" He exclaimed pulling the scroll out. Everyone was confused as Hewy opened it. He read the scroll out loud. Three of the four kids got excited and raced off to find Scrooge. Louie groaned out again and went into the living room.

Lena smiled at herself, and put the Knight back together, listening to the kids beg Scrooge,- who was against it. Claiming he would have known if it was there. But the kids are good at convincing.

Lena dusted her hands at a job well done and started exploring the mansion. She'd never gotten the chance to. Always being watched by Beakly or Webby. Now she can go where ever she wanted. Besides, a quick trip to the left wasn't going to hurt anything.

Lena yelped out as she was trapped in a silver cage. The lights went red and a siren screamed out. Lena grabbed her ears. Curling in a ball. Her head rang and her body tingled. No idea how long it took before the alarm turned off, and the lights changed back. Her head still ringing, eyes still shot from the fluorescent light. Slowly her vision came back, and so did her hearing. She was surrounded by the whole McDuck clan.

"There has to be a mistake," Webby pleaded trying to grab the bars.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Beakly asked.

"Four," Lena said blinking a few times. The two adults shared a look.

"Why were you over here?" Scrooge asked.

"I got bored. I was left to clean up by myself," Lena got on her knees and looked over everyone. They all looked at her with betrayal and hatred. Except for Webby.

"What are you?" Scrooge asked sharply. Lena grabbed a bar and hissed back in pain, confused. Pure Silver?

Lena could see Magica's shadow laughing behind everyone. She was laughing at her, for believing they cared. She couldn't lie, not after that.

"I'm... A vampire..." Lena looked down at her burned hand. The kids gasped, and the adults fumed. Beakly pushed the kids away from Lena who watched quietly. Webby fighting against the old lady. Scrooge glaring at her made her feel small. But Magica silently threatening her from behind him made her freeze.

"You come into my home. Why?" Scrooge spat at her.

Lena wished she could cry, cause then she'd feel like the past month was real.

"I just wanted a friend..." Lena's voice broke as she pulled herself into a ball. Scrooge left her there.

"You incompetent mistake!" Magica blurted.

"You better hope Scrooge ends you quickly, because when I get my hands on you. You're gonna wish for death!" The shadow screamed in her head.

Lena wished she could breathe, so then she could feel the pain of hyperventilation.

Lena wished her heart could beat, so she could bleed away the pain.

Lena didn't move for hours. Hoping it would all just be a dream. Lena long ago stopped hoping for it to be a dream, but now she wants to wake up in a bed where people love her. To leave this endless nightmare. Maybe when Scrooge puts the bullet in her, she'll finally wake up in loving arms. She'll be able to feel the burning of tears.

Lena looked up from the ground and at the bars. She looked back at her hand which was mostly healed. The feathers still haven't grown back yet, and the scar was clear as day.

"Maybe..." Lena started but was interrupted by Scrooge and Beakley coming into the room. The old lady threw a blood bag against the cage, and Lena flinched. Glaring at the adults. Her eyes met the bag that tore from the collision. The sweet honey-like scent of blood burned her nose.

Lena leaned against the other end of the cage, protected from the silver by her clothes. The adults watched her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Judging by her level of control she's at least a thousand years old," Scrooge noted. Lena laughed.

"Wrong!" She called out holding her stomach as if it hurt.

"You can't be less than a century with that much control," Scrooge challenged. Lena stopped laughing and smirked at him.

"You'll never know," Lena teased in a sing-song tone.

"Are you three thousand years?" Scrooge tried. Lena laughed again, almost doubling over, but held back.

"This is getting us nowhere, why are you going after Webby!" Beakly called out. Lena stopped immediately and eyed Scrooge.

"I'm not after Webby. McD's who I want," Lena spoke in a cold tone, glaring at him.

"Why?" Scrooge challenged. Lena just kept staring at him. Wanting to see him falter, even for a second. She didn't need to blink, and he refused to back down. Lena thought the first time was pure hatred. Well, he has a whole lot more to give now.

"Move her somewhere safe, not the other bin... Not quite yet," Scrooge said. Beakly grabbed the cage and carried Lena away, but she never stopped staring at him. Beakly sat her in the middle of an empty room and then left.

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