Chapter 10

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It's been a while since Lena started staying with the McDuck's. Webby wanted to share a room, But Lena was worried about what would happen if she ever lost control. It had only happened once in the early days, but the guilt will never go away. She tried to convince them to let her stay in her hidden place, but no one allowed it. Beakley was happy to set up security measures to help Lena feel safer with them.

That's all and good, but today is an important day. It's Webby's birthday, she's turning 13 in just a matter of time. Lena was surprised to learn that weby was more than 10. Even more surprised to learn she was older than the boys.

Though the only person who has age on her is McDuck. Seriously what is he, and how is he immortal, if he hates magic? Though he always made sure to tell Lena that he didn't hate her. Since she is a natural-born witch, so it's not like she can get rid of it. As for the vampire thing, McDuck has a lot of books on vampirism in his secret library. For a man who hates magic, he does have a lot of books about magic.

"Lena!" Webigail's over-enthusiastic voice shouted as she ran into Lena's room. This was the same room she was caged in. Oddly enough she grew to feel safer in this room with the perfect few of the front door, than anywhere else.

"What Webby?" Lena smiled at the duckling.

"It's my birthday!"

"Yes, I know. You've been telling me for a week now." Lena grasped the girl's arms and left her room.

"I'm just so excited! My last birthday was just me and my grandma, McDuck was there too, but he was always alone then. This is the first time there will be others there!"

"So you've said." Lena laughed and guided her down to the living room. Where the boys were watching Ottoman Empire.

"Sup dweebs." Lena greeted, each calling out their remarks.

"You have room for two more?" She asked though Webby just climbed onto the couch.

"Sorry Lena all full," Hewy said. Lena shrugged and sat on the floor in front of them.

"So something that's been bothering me for a while now." Hewy started speaking over the TV as the boys sat up.

"Well, all of us." He added. Taking a long pause looking at Lena who cranes her head up to see him.

"How old are you?" Dewy blurted. Lena frowned looking away from the ducklings.

"Guys that's rude!" Webby shouted jumping off the couch.

"What, we're not gonna judge. Scrooge is like a thousand. Besides aren't you a bit curious?" Louie added as Lena moved further away from them, so she could see them all easily

"Well yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that you just sprang it on her.".

"I'm fourteen, but have been alive for a hundred tweaty six years," Lena said not giving anyone a chance to keep talking.

"Magica is over a thousand years old. And Scrooge is 152."

"Your almost as old as scrooge?"

"No. My physical body and mental development will never age from the day I was made full." The kids froze confused.

"What does that mean?" Webby asked, now sitting with the boys again.

"I was born half-human."

"What does that mean," Hewy asked pulling out his magic version of the scout book.

"It means halflings aren't expected to live past 300. Full, never age."

"So your more immortal than Scrooge?"

"I can't get sick, and can heal faster, but any old bullet to the brain or stomach will be my end."

"Why the stomach and not the heart?"

"Well my heart too, but I figured everyone knows that. The stomach because it brings blood into the vascular system. I can't digest anything.

"So you don't need to poop?" Dewy asked. Lena laughed.

"I don't even need to pee. Like ever."

"The amount of Soda I could drink. I'd never have to leave the couch." Louie fantasized about laying back.

"But what ab~," Webby started but Lena cut her off.

"Yeah, that's exactly how it works." Lena smiled at the boys. Webby tried to talk again but Lena pulled her away from the room.

"But what about the." Lena cut Webby off again.

"It's embarrassing, okay. Just let them believe what they want." Lena said walking away. Webby raced after her.

"So when will you turn 127?"

"What? I don't know. Next year."

"You don't know your birthday!"

"Aunt Magica was not into celebrations, and it was a long time ago." Lena shrugged leading Webby into the foyer where Beakley was getting the decor ready.

"Oh good, just the girl I was needing the most," Beakley spoke as she climbed off the ladder.

"Webby because this is your birthday, you are not to help with setting it up."

"Okay Granny."

"Lena, make sure she doesn't steal any of the sweet treats."

"Yes ma'am." Lena saluted before Beakley went back up the ladder. The two left the mansion, and started walking around the gated area.

"When would you want your birthday to be?"

"Your still on this?" She asked

"Come on, is there any day that makes you happy?"

"Most of my days are full of hatred. Besides I'm okay without a birthday."

"Everybody needs one. It could be in May, or April."


"Or your birthday could be when you became a part of our family. Or."

"Webby stop! A fake celebration isn't gonna change anything. Come my 300-year birthday I'm still just gonna be 14. Forever."

"Lena." Her voice soft and timid. It wrecked Lena with guilt.

"Leave it alone Webby. You can't fix this one.

Lena sat in the dinningroom where everyone was singing happy birthday. Lena grinned wildly, as she watched the flickering lights. Then Webby blew it out as the song finished. Lena sat there watching with a forced smile.

She was happy for Webby, but birthdays always got to her. Despite Magica's nature, Lena used to sneak off and celebrate in silence. There was never cake, or friends or family. Just a silent memory of her mother, who always gave her a gift. It grew too painful after a few years, so she stopped. Eventually the years full of memories, made the older ones fade. Now she can't remember her birthday, and can't remember what her mother even looked like. That is what she hatted the most.

Night fell, and all the kids were having a sleep over in the library. But Lena didn't sleep.

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