Chapter 4

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Lena hated only a few things. She hated life, and how she didn't have one. She hated family and how she didn't have any. She hated love, and how she didn't have it.

Before her Aunt made her into what she is today, she was mostly alive and had everything she hates. She lived in a village with her mom. Who tried her best to keep Magica from getting her. But her tricks could only last so long.

Magica burned the village to the ground. Snatching Lena and making her into a full vampire. Since then Magica's claim on her had only grown stronger.

Practicing magic behind Magica's back hadn't helped at all. There are no spells or curses or hexes that could release her. There is no magic stronger than the oldest witch alive.

"Lena!" The high and mighty voice called in her head. She scrambled up and stood from the single mattress.

"Yes, aunt Magica."

"Why can't you plot against Scrooge?"

"He's out on an adventure, today." She tried.

"He's always on an adventure!"

"Yes aunt Magica, I'll get plotting." Lena sat on the bed and pulled out a book, as Magica left her alone.

Lena wasn't going to plot she didn't need to. Instead, she decided to write in her journal. About everything she need to get off her chest, about all the things she wanted to tell weby. So that maybe it would ease the guilt.

Night came quickly. Lena could only tell by the lack of light seeping in past the door. She crawled out of the hidden room and started walking to the town. Her life wasn't exciting. It wasn't fun. It wasn't even a life.

"Lena!" Called the voice that made Lena's unheard heart clench every time she heard it. She snuck into an ally.

"Yes, aunt Magica?"

"I'm halfway across the world right now, but I still get the sense that you aren't doing your job!" Lena clutched her head as a spike of pain shot through it.

"Sorry aunt Magica, I was just about to grab a snack, then go find a way to gain everyone's trust."

"Good, but this time when you snack, make sure to suck them dry. We can't have too many reports of Vampier attacks getting out to Scrooge. Then he won't trust anyone." A shadow formed on the wall in front of Lena with red eyes, that glared at her.

"If you mess up my plan, you will never get what you want!" She yelled, causing Lena to grab her head again.

"I know."

"Good. Then go along!" Magica disappeared again. Lena rolled her eyes and continued the way she was going, as helplessness fills her still heart.

Lena was making her way down to the Cinema. To see what movies were playing this week. One poster caught her eye the most. One Weby would love.

"That was awesome!" The triplets cheered as they exited the movie theater.

Lena had "talked" Beakly into bringing them to the movies the next day. Webby went on about one of the best scenes. Mole men-babies, and chainsaws!

"You said this was an educational film," Beakly grabbed Lena's arm. She forced down a surge and smirked.

"It's educational about mole men, and everybody could use a chainsaw safety lesson," she walked up to Webby, the large woman following.

"If mole men existed, they would live somewhere near water, with a good source of food-" the red-one went on.

"But the poster says based on a true novel," Webby interrupted. Poor trusting Webby.

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