Chapter 2

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After putting a hat on and putting his tail into his shorts Kuroko went to school. " good morning Kagami Kun" Kagami jumped " damn it Kuroko would you stop doing that I might die of a heart attack someday" " Kagami Kun your too young to die of a attack" Kuroko stated. "What's with the hat , couldn't fix your bedhead" Kuroko just gazed at Kagami "Kagami Kun did you hit your head because your hair is like my bedhead and we are going to be late " " Kuroko my hair is just fin-" Kagami got interrupted by the bell 'damn you Kuroko " Kagami through while running to his class.
After classes
' I call Akashi Kun he might know what to do I can't go to practice like this' kuroko pulled out his phone and called Akashi " hello Tetsuya is there something you need" " yes Akashi Kun I have a problem and I need help"
" what is the problem Tetsuya "
" umm well Akashi Kun can you meet me at the park please "
" be there in 15 minture "
After that Akashi handed up Kuroko signed ' it make it worst ' after there fist meeting Kuroko feel in love with Akashi and couldn't tell him because he was scared what Akashi might think if it was a joke or laugh and it would break kuroko heart so he only ever told Kise and Aomine about his love for Akashi.

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