Chapter 15

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Author note
I sorry from my slow update I not sure about next chapter yet I so bad at lemons. this is a warning for those who don't like lemons please don't read this chapter of you don't like it. for those who do I hope you like this I really bad at them and this is the first one I am writing. thank you all

The next few weeks went well Aomine and kise keep checking on kuroko and kuroko moved in with Akashi and he didn't have to hide the fact he was a neko because there was other like him.

it was a beautiful day and Akashi took kuroko out on a date to the park. they were getting ice cream and they sat on a bench " thank you Sei kun" kuroko said happy eating his ice cream
Akashi looked at kuroko blue and red eyes " how is your eye "
Kuroko just looked down" its is not so sore anymore Sei kun " Akashi chucked " what " Akashi lend and licked a bit of ice cream that was on kuroko cheek. he blushed a bright red

" Bakashi that's embarrassing " Akashi just smirked and graped kuroko hand.

They had dinner and went home.
Akashi locked the door and turned the lights off, he already had his shirt of
" Sei kun what are you doing " kuroko asked " Tetsuya I want you " Akashi said and pushed kuroko to the bed. kuroko gave a surprised gasp and he fell onto the bed. Akashi kissed kuroko and he kissed back. Akashi licked his lips and kuroko gladly open his mouth and moaned went Akashi tongue entered. Akashi pulled kuroko shirt off with his pants and boxers shorts and well as his own. " Sei kun please gave me more" Akashi smirked and kissed and but kuroko neck while his hand went to kuroko parts. kuroko moaned louder and helped Akashi with his growing problem.

Akashi gave a surprised moan went he felt kuroko hand " nuua Sei kun please" Akashi smirked " Tetsuya you look so beuitful right now " " Suck " Akashi ordered and kuroko happily sucked his finger like a lollipop.

Akashi put one of his finger into kuroko " ah weird " kuroko said panting as Akashi start moving. It in and out and then adding the second and third " are you ok " he asked " yes I am fine Sei kun please I need you " Akashi pulled his figers out and put his member into kuroko " ah ...... Hurts " kuroko said ,
Akashi gave a worried face and kissed the back of kuroko neck " just tell me if you want to stop my Tetsuya " kuroko graped Akashi hand and bit it softly as not to hurt Akashi " move " he said. Akashi began to move slowly at first and then he hit kuroko sweet spot that make him moan loudly " SSSEIJURO. Ah" he panted with sweat on his body.
Both of them were reaching there limit " Tetsuya I coming " Akashi moaned " Seijiuro " kuroko screamed Akashi name as he came onto the bed and Akashi inside of him.
After a few minture to catch there breaths Akashi pulled out from kuroko " I love you Tetsuya " he kissed his forehead

" I love you too Sei kun " kuroko fell asleep after that and shortly Akashi followed.

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