Chapter 11

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" AHOMINE " kagami shouted at 3 in the morning waking kuroko up from his Beaty sleep " WHAT THE HELL BAKAGAMI ITS •• 3 IN THE MORNING" Aomine said as he glared at kagami " mo mo Daikicchi come back to bed.l" a sleepy kise walked out from kuroko living room kagami and Aomine looked at kise and Aomine glares at kagami " what are you doing here bakagami " " Not bakagami , AHOmine " kagami said angry. " Aomine kun , kagami kun you both are too loud" a voice said right in the middles of Aomine and kagami giving them heart attacks " AAAAAAH KUROKO/ TETSU" both of them screamed. kuroko signed and the only way you could tell he was annoyed was by the twitting of his ear. " kagami kun what are you doing here " kuroko said with his emotionless voice. " yes this was left out side serin today seen you weren't at practice today" kagami gave kuroko a letter with blood stains on it ans kuroko took it and paled when he read it ." kurokoicchi are you ok " kise asked worried by how pale his face is. Aomine pick up the letter and read it out lound " my dearest Tet chan I wonder who was your mate is but I have the prefect present for you. it looks like I win and your little mate will lose for once. I know who you lover is he remind me of you Tet chan. red is beuitful and it gose with his hair and eye I will see you soon MY Tet chan
PS I am always watching
Your mate "
Aomine finished and looked pale. kise looked sick so did kagami " ii need to phone Sei kun " kuroko ran through the house and graped his phone and pressed speed Dail " Tetsuya its 3 in the morning are you ok "
Akashi answer sounding sleepy " sSei kun is ok " kuroko couldn't stop from crying in joy as he heared Akashi voice " are you crying what happen " Akashi asked getting worried. kuroko couldn't answer and he soped into the phone " Kagami here kuroko, fine I found a letter and a box for him at school and I tell you later " kagami took the phone away from kuroko and hand it up without waiting for Akashi reply. " Box kagami kun please give it to me" kuroko said with tears in his eye. kagami looked nervously at Aomine, ' should I give that to him it's horriable " kagami desiced to give it to him and pull out a box that is stained with red dots. kuroko open it and fainted at what was inside. " KUROKO/ TETSU/ KUROKOICCHI " kagami , Aomine and kise shouted. kise pick up the box and inside was a bit of Akashi hair with a die heart in 2 bits." gross " kise said. " that bastded I going to kill him " kagami said. Aomine just carried kuroko to his room " I sleep with kuroko just to make sure he safe " Aomine said. kagami looked angry and kise looked ready to cry " I wanna sleep with kurokoicchi and Daikicchi " kise jumped onto Aomine back " fine fine " kagami looked angry" HELL NO I going to sleep with kuroko I don't trust you too"

~~~~noon the next day ~~~~
Akashi was worried so he got to kuroko house and knock on the open door " Tetsuya are you there " he got no answer so he went in to kuroko room and frozen with mixed feeling of beening angry. kagami who was just waking up felt like someone was starring at him so he looked to the door and paled because of Akashi standing there death glaring at him , kise and Aomine. kuroko was in the middle with kagami spooning him and kise on top of him and Aomine laying across them with his hand on kise ass and they only had boxers on. " A Akashi I can explain " kagami said loundly waking the others up " Ah kise kun, Aomine kun your both heavily" kuroko said." kurokoicchi good morning , Daikicchi hand off " kise blushes red and hugged kuroko unaware of the glare he was beening send," go back to sleep it too early" " it noon ahomine and we have a problem " kagami said. " what would th- " kise never got to finish as a voice interrupt him " Taiga , Daiki , Ryouta explain " Akashi said smiling but they all know the hidden meaning " or die by my scissors " they all paled " Aomine kun wanted to keep me safe and then kise kun came not wanting to leave Aomine kun and kagami kun didn't trust them alone with me, good morning Akashi kun " kuroko explain " kagami, Aomine and kise signed and ran out the room " we make breakfast " kagami said before disappearing. Akashi jump on the bed and kissed kuroko " mmm........ Aakaahi kun" Akashi smirked and bit kuroko neck " Sei kun " Akaahi stop and softly kisses kuroko lips " that better Tetsuya now tell me what happen" Akashi asked. kuroko started crying again and told Akashi everything " shhh I protect you from him " kuroko looked up " I don't want Sei kun hurt" Akashi smirked " who do you think I am Tetsuya I always win no matter what " kuroko frowned. " Sei kun can be my personal bodyguard" Akashi smiled ,not the creepy one , and hugged kuroko. after that they went to get breakfast. it was a Sunday so they decided to play basketball and of course Akashi wan. it was getting dark so Akashi walked kuroko home just as they got to the coner of where kuroko street starts, Akashi got a phone call from his father." Tetsuya will you be ok to go home " " Sei kun I be fine " Akashi looked worried but signed " ok I see you later " Akashi walked over to a limo and drove off after kissing kuroko head" Sei kun can be nice a lot" kuroko said out lound and humed joyfully down the street until a man stepped in front of him " your kuroko Tetsuya right" he said kuroko replied with his emotionless voice " hai what do you want from me" the man walked to step in front of him kuroko moved back " I just doing my job please forgive me " kuroko looked confused and a bit scared so he was going to turn and run but there was someone he never wanted to meet again behide him " hello my little Tet chan " kuroko frozen and the last thing he saw was a red head heading his way " Sei kun" he said and blacked out.

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